Chapter 17

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"Whoa-oh-oh-whoa-oh!" Niall was still singing when the four of us arrived back at our apartment much later that night. He definitely took advantage of the free alcohol.

I was kind of drained from the long train ride home, but not nearly tired enough to go to sleep and come down from my high I got at the concert. I invited Harry to come in and hang out for a while, Niall didn't even have to ask.

The four of us hung our coats on Erica's and my pathetic coat rack. Harry and I sat on the couch in our small living room, exchanging eye rolls at Niall's drunken state.

 "Alright, baby. Let's go to bed," Erica sighed, grabbing him by the arm and trying to pull him towards the bedroom.

"Yeah, that's right! You're my baby, baby!" Niall said, picking Erica off the ground abruptly. She shrieks, but wraps his legs around him and giggles immediately after.

"I love you," she says to him dreamily, as if nobody else was in the room.

"I love you, too, E," Niall murmurs as he kisses her. "So, so, much..." he slurs before pulling away and smirking at her.

I looked at them, then at Harry he was chuckling and then back at them. Niall was wasted out of his mind, and Erica was just drunk on Niall. And... This was getting really awkward.

"Okay!" I yell, getting up and pushing the couple towards Erica's bedroom door. "That was fun, but now it's time to go to bed!"

"I'll take her to bed, all right," Niall said, placing Erica back on her feet before opening the bedroom door.

"Damn, Niall. Relax," Harry said, laughing harder now.

"I'm about to," Niall said, winking at Harry before closing the door to Erica's bedroom. 

Immediately you could hear the faint sounds of lips smacking and giggles from the other room. "Oh, God," Harry said, breaking out into giggles. "That's horrible... Are they always like that?"

I nodded, folding my arms and leaning against the couch. "Welcome to my life... Wanna go to my room?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at me. "Are we going to be doing that?" he asked, gesturing towards to Erica's door. During the beat of silence while I was deliberating you could hear Niall growling. Literally growling.

I chuckled a bit. "Not exactly," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him into my room. "Let's just watch a movie or something."

"Fine, but I get to pick."

* * * * 

A little while later, we were making out on my bed. I mean, how could we not be? We tried to just watch music videos on my laptop, I swear, but... Blink 182 gets me pretty riled up.

Harry had pulled away from me momentarily to take off his shirt. I don't why he generally does this, but I'm glad he does. His tanned skin was adorned in more tattoos than I could remember, each time I saw it I was surprised and I loved that.

Staring at them made my body heat up in ways that, before meeting Harry, were unfamiliar to me. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to take my clothes off too, so I awkwardly took off my shoes and socks to, I guess, get more comfortable.

When I turned back to Harry, I expectantly leaned in to kiss him again but was only met with his smirking face. He was trying not to laugh at me... I could tell. His dimples were popping out of his cheeks so hard that you'd think it was going to fall out. I raised an eyebrow at him and he started to snort. Like, that kind of sound you make when you just can't hold back your mocking laugh anymore. He looked at me apologetically.

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