Chapter 7

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"So, then what happened?" Erica asked excitedly as I poured myself yet another cup of coffee the next morning. 

"Then we just... Got on a train back to Penn and took separate cabs back home," I said, simply. 

"Yawn," Erica said, rolling her eyes. "He didn't, like, romantically lead you through the crowded station? Or look at you with his twinkling emerald orbs? Or, like, kiss you in the rain?"

"Okay," I started, laughing. "One, Harry doesn't know anything about Penn station so, if anything, I was leading him aroud. And no, we didn't hold hands. Two, I... Woudn't say it like that," I lied just a little bit.  "And, three, it wasn't raining. You've been watching too many movies."

"I have not! Geez, Melissa. For a writer-"

"I'm not a writer, yet," I defended.

"Okay, for a 'literature enthusiast'-"

"I'll allow it."

"You sure are bad at describing things."

I shrugged, looking at my phone. "I... Am just telling you what happened. Honestly." I sighed.

"Has he texted you today?" she asked, excitedly.

Without thinking, I answered honestly, "Not since last night."

Erica gasped, hitting me upside the head for neglecting to tell her this detail. "HETEXTEDYOULASTNIGHTOHMYGODMELISSAWHATDIDHESAY?"

"SHUT UP!" I stopped her rambling. "He just wanted me to text him when I got home. So, I did."

"And he saaaaaaid?" she dragged out. 

I pulled out my phone and read. "Thanks for letting me know. I had a lovely night. Please, let's do it again. Please. x"

I scrunched my nose at how cheesy it felt to say "x" out loud. 

"Oooo, la la!" Erica said, repeatedly hitting me on the arm. "So British! More like XXX, huh?"

"Nuh huh," I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Is he a good kisser, at least?"

"Dunno," I mumbled as I swallowed the last of my coffee.

"YOU DUNNO?" she yelled at me, appalled.

"I do not," I said. "I told you it wasn't a real date, and I really don't think it was. I think he just wants to be friends. You heard Niall that first day, I'm sure he already has a girlfriend."

"He basically jizzed himself when you told him you had a tattoo! He literally said you were going to be the death of him," she said, trying her best to put on a British accent. "Don't you get what that means? It means he wants to bang you!"

I cringed at her crude language. "It was just a... Misunderstanding. It's literally on my foot. The least sexy part of the body."

"To you maybe, we don't know what kind of fetishes-"

"Drop it, E."

Erica's face fell a bit. "Seriously, Melissa. Don't you like him, though? You should at least try."

"I don't know if I like him," I exhaled. "I understand the appeal, I really do. And he's nice and I like the way he makes me feel... Like, I feel very comfortable around him. But I just always pictured my first real date with a guy to be... Different. Like, I imagine when I find someone I'd like to date, we'd just talk for hours and have all these things in common and feel the incredible connection and attraction right away. And I like hanging out with Harry, but I doubt it could be anything but platonic."

When Love Arrives (H.S.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora