Chapter twenty

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Alex's p.o.v

She was incredible: no one could compare to the way she cared about someone. A beautiful selfless soul caught in the web of the cruelest side of the world. Peace had built a home on her face, giving me comfort knowing that she was finally getting a goodnight sleep! Her ear was pressed to my chest and I'm sure she could hear my heart beating.

"No!" She mumbled in her sleep frowning.

"Shhh! It's alright! I'm here! You're safe!" I rocked her back to sleep.

She mumbled something I couldn't understand as she made herself comfortable on top me. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her. She fitted perfectly! Two broken pieces of an incomplete puzzle!

My love!

My everything!

The owner of my heart and soul!

It was 8 am and I was downstairs making some pancakes for the beauty who was currently still sleeping in my room. It was hard for me to leave the bed in the morning. She was at peace and damn me for feeling satisfied knowing that I helped her reach that state. There was one more thing I needed to help her with!

Her nightmares!

The one thing she has to face herself! I can only support her through the way. She has to fight this battle on her own! Her mind needs to except whatever the hell happened to her that robbed her of so many goodnight sleeps! 

"Where is Lisa?" Shawn asked fixing his tie. Oh yeah, he is in charge of the legitimate business, while my father deals with the others!

"I gave her the day off!" The poor woman had to take care of a dozen guards, plus Shawn!

"If someone is trying to kill me, please let it be quick!" He looked up with praying hands.

"Look down!" I said putting the pancakes on a plate.

"Why? Heaven is above!" He asked.

"Hate to break it to you, but you and I are going to hell!" I shrugged. "Heaven only accepts angels and princesses!"

"I'm off to work!" He grabbed one of the pancakes and I glared at him. "You're very depressing in the morning!"

"And you are awfully suicidal stealing the food I made for her!" I said as he closed the door.

"What's that smell?" Her angelic voice filled the air.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" I turned to her with the tray of food, apple juice and a red rose.

"Good morning to you too, dumb-dumb!" She kissed me once I laid down the tray.

"You had another nightmare last night." I stated as she put down the glass.

"I know!" She lowered her voice.

"I won't ever force you to do anything you're not comfortable with, but I wanted you to know that if you want to talk about them or anything, really, I'm here! I hate seeing you hurt and I hate the fact that I don't know how to be there for you even more!" I caressed her cheeks. "Your light doesn't deserve to be shut down!"

"You keep forgetting that the light causes shadows!" Her beautiful brown eyes met mine.

"The shadows are caused because something gets in the way of the light, not letting them pass through! What's your barrier?"


"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"In my nightmares, I see this wooden house on fire. Mom and I are able to get out, but I have no idea who gets left behind! Nonetheless, it feels as if daggers are going in and out of my heart, but I don't bleed!" A tear falls down. "There's just darkness! An awful lot of darkness!"

I pulled her in my embrace without saying anything. No words could take away the pain she was feeling. An innocent angel was forced to meet with the flames of hell! One could only hope it wouldn't turn her into a devil! Not that it would change the way I felt about her, but perhaps it would change the way she saw herself...

"Are you planning on eating any of this?" Angela came down the stairs all dressed up.

"What's the rush?" Annie lifted her head from my chest.

"I have a job interview at 11am!" She squealed.

"Breathe!" Annie reminded her. "You're gonna do great!"

"You are the best fashion designer I know!" I added.

"I'm the only fashion designer you know!" Angela eyed me suspiciously.

"The point is that you have nothing to be nervous about!" Annie smiled.

"Thank you!" Angela stole a pancake and left.

"They're one and the same!" I shook my head.

"Who?" Annie asked.

"Shawn and Angela!" I answered. "They both grabbed a pancake before leaving!"

"They were hungry!" She laughed.

"You don't seem to be!" I scolded her. "Normal human beings need food to function and don't you dare tell me that you're on a diet!"

"I thought you wouldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to?" She teased.

"I won't, except when it comes to food!" I smiled at her. 

"I hate you and your devilish smile!" She took a bite.

"As long as you're okay, I can live with that!"

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