Chapter sixteen

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Unknown p.o.v (Xavier)

"Sir, may I come in?" My second in command asked slightly opening the door, enough for me to see his worried expression.

"What is it?" My migraine wasn't in the mood to hear his boring updates. The boredom was its creation.

"We have found something!" He handed me a green folder.

I immediately sat up and grabbed it.

"Nice colour!" I smirked as my bloody migraine began to vanish. Opening it I was met with the perfect face of my past.

"Is that the right one, sir?"

I nodded gazing at the beautiful smile that never failed to warm my stone cold fucked up heart. Reading through the file, a detail caught my eye.

"May I go?" My second in command asked and I waved him off. I had actually forgotten about his presence.

Sitting down on the uncomfortable armchair I gazed at her face one more time before sealing the folder. Loosening my tie, I approached the window fighting the urge to dial her.

Oh bloody hell!

We're miles apart and I can hear her heartbeat, still!

Fucking perfect! I am losing my fucking mind!

"Sir, we have a problem!" One of the newbies entered my office.

"What other problem, besides the lack of your manners?" That bloody migraine was flooding back.

"I apologize, sir!" He lowered his head and I rolled my eyes.

"What was the problem?" I grew frustrated. He was clearly new. Everyone was aware of my temper and the love I had for repeating myself.

"You need to see it for yourself!" He handed me a black file. 

"What is this? File delivery day?" Opening the bloody file with my left hand, I grabbed the glass full of bourbon with the other one.

"Bloody hell!" I threw the glass on the ground and the newbie flinched vividly. "Get me Scott!"

The newbie went running down to get my second in command. Fucking amateurs! 

"What is it, sir?"

"When did this fucking happen? And why wasn't I informed earlier?" I threw the file at his face.

"Sir, we only found out about it this morning!"

"Bloody excuses!" I yelled.


"Get out!" I caressed my temples.


"Get the fuck out, before I fucking shoot you!" I pulled out my gun pointing it at him.


But the storm was coming!


Hey loves!

I'm extremely sorry for my absence! I will definitely try to make some more time on working new chapters, but with everything going on, no promises!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! (It's short, I know! Please don't kill me! 😅)

Love you,

Author X 😈

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