Chapter five

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Annie's p.o.v

He was Angela's brother!!! This was proof that the universe was playing tricks on me! Although, this does explain why Angela ran off like that when we were at the track. But the cherry on top was the fact that I was stuck in his car driving home with him!

"So you're the quiet type?" He tried to make conversation.

"I'm going to be honest with you: I just want this ride to end as quickly as possible! Now, we can -no- you can try to make small talk, but if I don't respond, please don't think I'm trying to ignore you! Because, God forbid if I did that!" I said and he laughed.

"You know what? I'll be honest with you too! It's obviously quite clear that we knew nothing about each other, but you certainly can't deny that we had a good time together at the tracks." He turned to look at me and I felt trapped.

"Eyes on the road, dumb head! I don't plan on dying tonight!" I tried to avoid the warmth that spread through my body every time  I felt his eyes on me.

"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" He continued to look at me.

"Stop staring at me! It's getting boring!" Even though the way the street lights reflected on his eyes was far from boring. But was I going to tell him that? Hell, no!

"Is it?" He wiggled his brows with a wide smile and pressed the gas further.

"Alex, I'm not joking!" I told him firmly and he just smiled.

"So, you do know my name?"

"Seriously, that's all you took from that sentence?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Princess, you need to relax! Nothing's going to happen to you!" The way he said it made it sound like a promise.

Before I could respond, I spoted a car coming in our direction.

"Alex!" I yelled, but I was too late.

The car was heading towards us on full speed. I turned around and saw my worst nightmare. Heavy traffic!

We were trapped! 

"Annie!" I turned to him and the fear I saw in his eyes was very evident. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

The last thing I saw was that car's blinding front lights.


So that happened! I do apologize for the short chapter, but I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible!

Author X

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