Chapter Two

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"This place is amazing!" Olive shouts over the blaring music as we make our way in the club.

There was flashing colorful lights across the two story building, bodies and bodies of people swam all across the floor. The music so loud, the theme of this place being very dark, loud, and young. This was definitely going to be the new spot in LA, I can already tell.

"Cmon let's go get some drinks!" Olive says, grabbing my hand as we maneuvered our way through the crowd over to the bar on the first floor.

"What can I get for you ladies?" The bartender asks, she looks around our age. Clearly had a boob job, her body super slim and petite apart from her chest. She had dyed jet black hair that was perfectly curled, wearing nothing apart from what I can assume to be very short shorts, almost like spandex and a v-neck crop top.

"2 of your favorite and strongest drinks please!" Olive beamed and hooked her arm around me.

"Sure thing." The bartender smiles, and begins rummaging around the bar to make our drinks.

"Here let's take a selfie, I'm gonna post it on instagram stories." Olive tells me in my ear, I nod and move my head closer to hers.

She pulls out her phone and angles the camera to our faces and upper half, we both smile and press our cheeks together before she takes the picture.

"Hey that looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie!" She says and proceeds to add it to her story.

"Here you go, girls." The bartender interrupts us and hand us over our drinks.

"Thank you!" I say, reaching to grab my wallet from Olives purse.

"Oh no, it's an open bar tonight. You girls are set!" She smiles, turning her attention to another person at the bar.

"Sweet, didn't know it was an open bar. Looks like we're getting wasted tonight bitch." Olive says and I laugh.

"Fuck yeah, I'm down for that." I say and we both take a drink from our glasses.

I scrunch my face at the alcohol taste, it was a cosmopolitan. This is good.

We make our way back towards the crowd of people and immediately find the dance floor. Both with a drink in hand, Olive grabs my waist and I swing my arm on her shoulder as we sway our bodies to the music.

"I want to get some dick tonight!" Olive shouts at me, "I heard the guys who started this place are fucking hot. Probably made of money!"

We continue to dance to the music and sip on our drinks, really letting the environment sink in as we let our bodies take control on the dance floor. Other sweaty, drunk bodies pressed against us while we move.

I turn my body around so my back is against Olive's front, and I move my hips against her to the beat of the music. She reaches down and smack my ass, both of us laughing, the alcohol starting to take over in just the slightest.

I am having such a great time, I'm so happy we decided to go out, or that I decided to. My mind feels at ease, and I can finally say I feel like myself again. Or whoever my self was.

"Shiiit, you girls are hot." A drunk voice says behind Olive and I, but I don't let it stop me. Guys were pigs and that was that, but I'm having a good time I'm not gonna let him change my mind.

He creeps up to the front of me, places his hands oh my waist while moving to the music. He puts his leg right between mine to get as close as possible, moving with the both of us.

I still don't let it ruin a good time. Maybe I should just let it happen. I bring my glass to my lips and drink down the rest of my drink, and sling my arms around his shoulders. I glance behind me over my own shoulder to see another guy with his body pressed right to the back of Olive's, she had a huge grin on her face as she pressed her body against his, moving along as well.

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