Chapter Twenty Three

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"Olive, I promise I'm going to be fine." I reassure her for the millionth time, my phone squished between my ear and my shoulder as I stuck my keys into the lock of my front door with a bit of a struggle seeming I'm carrying a couple bags of groceries.

She sighs over the phone, "A, I know that may be true but..I am just going crazy."

I successfully push my front door open, followed by a grunt. I quickly set the bags on the counter before bringing my hand to my phone to hold us against my ear.

I hear Liam muffle in the background, "Babe, she's going to be fine."

"No one is coming after me, or anybody. I literally have no ties to the guys other than you; who is dating Liam. Me staying at my home does not mean I am in danger." I clarify to her slowly, I know she isn't handling this well but I don't want to risk lashing out on her just because she is panicking, "And if I even get the tiniest bit scared, I won't even call you. I'll head right to Liam's."

She quiet for a moment, like she's thinking. "You promise?"

I nod, realizing she can't see me I say, "You have my word."

"Please just, lock your door and don't let strangers in."

I laugh, "No strangers are coming to my door."

"Ara." Her voice is stern.

"Sorry," I mumble, and I walk into my bathroom leaning into the shower to turn the knob to start the water, "It will just be me tonight, I'll even text you updates if that's what you want."

"Please." Olive begs, I can hear the genuine concern and panic in her voice.

"You got it," I tell her as I stand in the bathroom waiting for the water to heat up, I feel the slight buzzing of my phone and the quiet ring over the line. I look down at my phone confusingly when I see that I had just received a random text from a number that is unknown to me.

"Hey Olive, I'm going to get in the shower. I'll text you a little later. Yeah?"

I hear her lips smack, "Yes. Text me. Love you, A."

"Love you too." I say back and hang up my phone to look at the unknown text as I unzip the skirt of my uniform.

From: Unknown
Are you at work?

Who the fuck is this? I literally don't talk to anyone.

To: Unknown
who is this?

I shake my head in confusion, setting my phone on the counter before removing the rest of my uniform and slipping into the shower; letting the hot water soothe my skin.

I take a moment to just stand there and enjoy the feeling of the hot water running down my body. I rub my face in my hands before grabbing my washcloth and squirting some body wash right in the center. I gently exfoliate and cleanse my body, then move to lathering my hair in shampoo and onto conditioner.

Once I feel clean, I shut off the water and reach my hand out to grab my towel, wrapping it around my body and stepping out of the confined space.

I begin drying my body, and bring the towel to my hair in an attempt to dry that out to the best of my ability. The sound of my text tone going off makes my head snap up, making me realize I had forgotten about this random contact.

I grab the phone, bringing it closer to my face.

From: Unknown

That text was from 10 minutes ago. I scroll to look at the newest one sent.

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