Chapter Fifteen

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Sexual content ahead!!

It's been a couple days since that whole Andrew situation, and also a couple days since I last spoke to Harry in the car. Since then I haven't really done much apart from working and hanging out with Olive.

Olive is an absolute psycho. She wouldn't stop pestering me about what went down with Harry. She keeps asking questions like:

'How big is he?'

'Is he good?'

'Is he into butt stuff like Liam?'

Mostly all of her questions are ones I can't answer. I haven't experienced much with Harry. And I won't experience much with him anymore, I was reluctant to tell Olive about what he said in the car; because that would require me to explain myself and why the name bothers me, and she doesn't know anything about my uncle aside from the fact that he died and I flipped out.

We've known each other since I moved in with my aunt and attended a new school where I met Olive, we became best friends and I couldn't be more happy about it. She never came to my house when we were growing up, sleepovers were always over there. It wasn't that she wasn't allowed to come over, I was just scared he would do the same to her. So I never let it happen. She came over occasionally after school sometimes, but never for more than a couple hours when my uncle came home from work. The times she has met him I felt like I was on eggshells; constant worry and waiting for something terrible to happen. But thank God it never did.

Olive never asked me about him after he died. I think she just assumed that it was a typical member of the family dying and I took it extremely hard. Which is and isn't the case. There have been so many times where I'd want to come clean to Olive, about why I am the way I am. She knew everything about my mother after all, but I could never bring myself to do it. I was afraid she'd think I was disgusting for letting it go on for so long and for breaking up my aunt and uncles marriage.

It was always my fault.

This is something that is meant for myself. It always will be, and I'm okay with that. The less people know the better.

Anyways, I did tell Olive about all my encounters with Harry. About what we did and how they happened, but I left out the part where I called him 'Daddy'.

"Oh shit, so he's into some rough stuff?" Olive registers the information with a smirk on her face, she was laying down on her back on my bed, and I laid down on my back as well but in the opposite direction so her feet were at my head and mine were at hers.

I nod at the ceiling, "Oh yes. He called me naughty." I laugh.

She quickly propped herself up on her elbows, "You're kidding."

"Nope." I pop the 'p'.

"Why Ara, you fucking naughty bitch." She fell back onto her back with a laugh.

"I didn't think I'd ever like that kind of stuff, that's more of a you thing to be honest. And Michael never did anything like that with me."

"That's because you and Michael were so vanilla." She says in disgust, "I wish Liam talked like that to me." She sighs.

My eyebrows furrow, "I thought you said Liam was kinky?" That conversation we all had that one night in my apartment with Niall and Liam is actually the reason I enjoyed the 'kinky' as much as I did.

"Oh he's kinky," She laughs, "He ties me up, ball gag, hot wax, blindfolding..." She lists off and I'm laying there in shock.

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