Chapter Twenty

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After two more cherry sours and chugging half of Niall's unfinished beer in his hand; I was buzzed. And it is exhilarating.

I'm not exactly sure what my plan is, or even if I'm correct about Harry trying to 'play hard to get' or whatever, but I figure it will be fun regardless of what happens. So why the hell not?

The dancers had just started their routine on stage, wearing their sexy lingerie and shaking what their mama gave them. I cannot believe how spectacular these girls are. I wish I was able to get up there and do what they're doing. They look stunning.

The atmosphere is beautiful. The colorful lights flashing around the whole building, shining on the faces of everyone in the place. The music is fast pace, and everyone is just taking in everything around them.

We are all still on the couch, most people who were here for the dancers were still sat. But surrounding all the tables and couches we were sat at were bodies of people dancing and moving along with one another. I just know everyone in here is drunk, high, or both.

Everyone at our couch had their eyes on the dancers, talking amongst themselves. Aside from Harry, who I would catch his eyes catching mine every once in a while after looking up at the stage.

I pretended not to notice, keeping a big drunk smile on my face while I leaned back watching and enjoying with everyone else. It's so childish, but I want to get under his skin. I want to see if it could work. Niall said confidence is key, that it's sexy. Apparently makes sex really, really good. Although; I have only had sex with Harry once, amongst other things as well that were...amazing. I'm still taking what I can get.

Niall nudges my arm, "Look up there," He points up and I follow his gesture, "That's her. Kiersten."

I look up to see a short woman, with long black hair. It's hard to tell, but I believe her arms are covered in colorful, floral looking tattoos. I can kind of see from afar that she's smiling and holding a tray, leaning in to talk to a bunch of customers. She is defiantly beautiful from what I can see; Niall did good.

"She looks hot." I tell him honestly, nudging his arm back, "Don't fuck it up."

He nods sarcastically, sipping his beer again.

I feel Harry's eyes on me once again, just at a glance before he looks away when I notice his stare.

Hmm. Interesting.

A smirk forms on my face, as I drunkenly stand to my feet. I adjust my dress and smooth it down, "Who wants to dance?" I yell over the music.

Olive snaps her fingers and sets her glass down, "Me!"

I smile and shuffle over to where she's sat, reaching my hand out for her to grab as I pull her to her feet, leading her out of our little bubble and to the dance floor. I don't want to get lost in the crowd, so we just stay literally right by the couch where the others were. We were just a couple feet away.

Her arms lazily plop on my shoulders, and I set my hands on her waist as we move to the beat of the music. Shaking our heads back and forth, causing our hair to fall all over the place. We grind the front of our bodies together slowly, and I close my eyes to really just let my body move.

I open my eyes to peak over at Harry, to see if he's looking at us. And he actually isn't. His eyes are fixed on the waitress who came back to drop off more drinks. She had a tray tucked under her arm, and she brought her hand to her hair to move the strands out of her face. Giving him a bright, flirtatious smile. Harry was sat, wide legged and looking up at the woman in front of him. A fake smile was plastered on his face as they smoke to one another.

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