3: Little Ukai Gang Gang In The House

Start from the beginning

"Just who do you take me for?" she scoffed. "I am a representative of Karasuno. Mr. Watanabe chose me, he saw me as a professional. I am a manager, okay? I know how to do my job. I am a crow. That's right, fear me. Now, this baby crow is going to leave the nest and be the best damn baby crow she can be."

She ducked from under his hand and started to march away. She made it three steps before Ennoshita grabbed her sleeve.

"You didn't use the word promise, Emiko."

She cursed under her breath. "Okay. Fine. I promise to be on my best behaviour. I promise to be mature and professional for your sake. I promise not to cause anyone emotional damage."

A long whistle came from behind them. "Now that's a tall order," Kinnoshita smirked.


"Nothing," Narita assured. "On another note, I think Nishinoya is trying to get Hinata to climb out the windows of our club room."

"That's a two-story drop!" Emiko screamed, pushing Ennoshita towards the gym doors. "Go and save him, my Captain! Become Captain Levi for me and save my favourite one!"

With a small battle cry, he sprinted away. Mirae jumped to the side, watching with surprise as he almost ran into her.

"Emiko," she called, "did you prepare your notes?"

"Of course."

She narrowed her eyes. "I don't believe you."

Emiko tapped her temple and smirked. "It's all up here."

"That's great," Mirae deadpanned and then kicked her shin, "but how is that going to help Yachi?"

"Unlike you, Mirae, I promise to text Yachi every second of the day to make sure she's okay. Plus, she's a great listener."

"Unlike you, Emiko," Mirae taunted as she used her height to peer over her, "I'm going to score higher than you on the assessments. You are a walking and talking disaster, even Narita and Kinnoshita agree."

Emiko's jaw dropped. She turned to the boys and grabbed their shoulders. "It's not true," she whimpered, "tell me it's not true."

"Well you're always telling us to be more like Ennoshita, so we can't lie."

"Yeah, we're trying to become more honest people. Make our ancestors proud and whatnot."

Emiko fell to the floor and began whining like a wounded animal.

"Make those notes Emiko." Mirae grabbed under her arms and hauled her to her feet. "How many times do I have to tell you that the floors are dirty?"

Narita promptly grabbed a napkin from his pocket and threw it at Emiko's face.

"Yes, thank you for that," she scoffed but used it to dust at her knees and hands. "What did you two want? You're usually silently judging us-"


"-from the corner of the gym."

Kinnoshita shoved his hands in his pocket and glanced at Narita. "We wanted to make a bet."

"A friendly, little bet," Narita assured.

"I'm in."

"No, you're not," Mirae flicked her forehead. "You always lose your bets and then you come crying to me."

"I won't cry this time."

"Hear us out. We were talking about it, and we want to bet on how long it takes for Ennoshita to crack without you two here."

Karasuno's Managers: Little Ukai and The VulnerableWhere stories live. Discover now