Quote 26

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Dear Diary,

Why do feel regret after making some decisions and implying them?

Even when we know that those decisions had to be made. Even when we know that those decisions are something that we need. And without making those decisions, we would get hurt or would eventually burst out or do something wrong or something we never intended to do.

Why do feel guilty when it was not us who had done anything wrong? Even, when we were being blamed for something that we weren’t responsible for or we hadn’t done.

Why do we feel so lost, when we should not? When many had supported us for our decision?

Why do wish that we hadn’t made those decisions, even when they were so needed to make the opponent realize his mistake? To make him see that it wasn’t his duty to say or do all those things he did.

Why are we even like this? Why do we not take care of us, of our feelings, but always think about others and think about the outcomes?

Why do we feel that we created a fight when it wasn’t even started or wasn’t needed?

Why do feel that our decisions were wrong, when they couldn’t have been more right?

Why do we feel so weak about thinking what all we have to face and how would we be interrogated after making those decisions?

Why do we feel all negative things after making and doing the right thing?

Why does it feel like we lost something, even when we gained victory?

~Just to make few things clear. This diary-entry talks about the decisions we make in our day-to-day life. They aren't decisions which are made hastily.

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