Have You?

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Have you ever had that ache in your heart,
The one that makes you want to give up?
Have you ever had those moments in life,
The ones that makes you cry every night?
Have you ever had those thoughts in your mind,
The ones that are of you dying?
Have you ever had those dreams,
The ones that never came true?

Have you ever had these things made you strong
The ones which makes you tougher and stand out from everybody else?

Cause its a barren road we walk on,
Each step has its own moments.
Doesn't matter if they are good or bad,
What matters is that we keep walking and look back,
But not in vain,
But with pride
That we endured it all.
And we're here,
Still here,
And still walking,
Overcoming every step
And living our days.

2:53 pm

Thoughts... (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz