Quote 27

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Dear Diary,

Sometimes, we think that what we are doing is right and good. Not for us, but for others. But, that's not true in the eyes of other people. We think that what we are trying to do will make others happy, even if he/she doesn't accept it for now. And, it sure is true that he/she will be happy with it. But, in the process of doing so, we don't come to know or understand as to when or how we became wrong or did something wrong in the eyes of others. They are not the person for whom we are doing all the things.

Maybe people have become too judgmental these days, or, they don’t see what we are doing the way we see it.

To us, we are just making a person, a loved one happy.

But, for other people, we aren’t or maybe it’s too much, or maybe we are pressurizing the person (our loved one).

In the process of making others happy, we sometimes make ourselves bad and make our loved one embarrass in front of everyone else.

And then our loved one doesn’t see that we were just trying to make him/her happy. No! He/she just see how we embarrassed him/her in front of everybody/someone else.

Maybe, he/she would acknowledge that fact later on for some time. But, won’t give us any credit for it. It’s obviously not like we want some, but at least they shouldn’t lecture us on it.

But, before this comes a part where the person (loved one) lashes out at us, accuses of things we didn’t intend to do or thought of. But, of course, this other person doesn’t understand. It was just an innocent act on our side and we didn’t ever think that someone would take it the wrong way or think we are doing something wrong. 

 For us, though we are pressurizing the other person and are giving options to our loved one’s excuses, it is for their own happiness only and it’s because we know that they will be happy with it and wants to do it but can’t. So, all that person need is some encouraging words. And, if we say it in front of others and they judge us and think something bad or wrong about it, but then too we don’t care. But, that’s not the case with our loved one. Cause to him/her, we are just making fun of him/her in front of everyone else. And, they don’t want that. But the worst part is that this loved one of ours blames us for everything that happened to him/her, and that we didn’t even know that we were doing something wrong at that time. And, the realization dawns on us, when someone (mostly our loved one) tells us by shouting at us.

So, yeah, ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’ won’t apply to these kind of situations. As, it don’t even apply these days.

‘Cause life is not that easy these days.

~'Loved one' is not someone who you only love.

It can be anyone, I just wrote it like that so you could understand, who is the second person and the 'other people' refers to the third person.

For those of you who have read thoughts, I know it is in there too. But I updated it here so that others could read it too.

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