Chapter 4

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The War Hero

AFO= All for One

There in the classroom with Y/n is tied up by Aizawa scarf. Y/n sigh in defeat and regret with that Aizawa took down his scarf that was rap around Y/n. All Might was sitting in a chair behind Y/n and asked "When was the last time you fought a villain?" Y/n look at All Might half way with his body still facing the students who scan him in curiosity "Since when did you think I fight villains?" The class eyes wide open with a lot of people raising up their hands. All Might stood there in shock and moved out of the student view of Y/n. "What do you mean..?" Aizawa asked nervously Y/n look at the ground "In wars there isn't good or bad Aizawa, there is only win or lose" Y/n look up with a close eyed smile.

Midnight just stared "How old are you actually?" Y/n eyes widen and look at her. "Well I can't just expose my age!" Y/n hold back of his neck nervously chuckles. "Do you know who was One for All before I was here?" All might ask, looking at the floor. Y/n got a bright experion remembering the fun time he had with One for All. "Well yes, we had a bond before the whole league of villains heappend."

"YOU KNOW ALL FOR ONE" The whole class shouted. Y/n eyes widened and gave them a close eyes smile "yep!" while All might walk out the room with midnight.

With All Might

Midnight walked out to a different direction while All Might walked out of the room without a smile thinking about what he just heard. The person that retired knew One for All the number one villain and didn't report it to the police. Did he retire being a hero because he was helping One for All? Thoughts we're running around All Might's head while walking to Principal Nezu office.

All Might went to his deflated form while sitting on the opposite side the mouse bear thing was drinking tea. "So is L/n going to join us?" The mouse bear asked. All Might just nod still wondering around his thoughts. "Are you okay All Might? Did something happen during taking L/n in?" the mouse bear asked in concern. All Might looked at the principal eyes and said "He knows a lot more than just history." "Oh of course i realized that All Might!" the mouse bear responded.

Meanwhile with Y/n

Aizawa goes in his iconic sleeping bag. "Pick a student and answer all their questions." Y/n stared at the sleeping Aizawa while a boy with glasses said "Can we ask our questions now?" Y/n look at the boy "Uh yeah?" The room started with the student asking questions overwhelming Y/n. "Classmates! Let's raise our hands and see who Sensei L/n picks!" "uh actually can you pick....uh? "Tenya Iida! Nice to meet you Sensei L/n! And sure I'll pick for you!" He went in front and looked at his classmates. 'What have I got myself into..' he thought.

"My name is Eijiro Kirishima, Sensei L/n Are you a hero?" he asked. "Well no and yes?" "That's not a straight answer Mr.L/n" Iida said while doing the soping hand thing. "If you consider someone who went to a war for their country yet killed a lot of people a hero then yes." he answered with a cold glare giving shivers down some of the student spine. "Okay! Midoriya, your turn, don't forget the introduction!" chopping the air as he said that. "O-okay My name is I-Izuku Midoriya, I-i wanted to ask what is your quirk?" "It's basically strength and fast regeneration" Y/n answer with a shrug.

"Then why do you have a history of the Immortal soldier and how do you have a friendship with One for All?" The black haired ponytail asked. Y/n got nervous "I-I see you done research, guess no hiding now." He took a deep breath and gave a soft smile. "Well my quirks have a curse that makes me Immortal making me basically indestructible, and I was A War hero: Immortal Soldier. After world war 2 I didn't want to join anymore and decided to retire and have a coffee shop." "You Idiot that didn't give us answers on how you know One for All." The ash-blond hissed. "Well I can't snitch about my friend right?" Y/n respond with a close eyed-smile.

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