Chapter 3

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Fight for answers

Name: Y/n L/n (Your Name) (Last Name)
Gender: Male
Age: 2935 (Appearance 25)
Sexuality: Aromantic
Hight: 5,8 foot
Quirks: Super strength and healing (The quirks are cursed with immortality )
Retired War hero: Immortal Soldier

Y/n quickly took off his apron and rolled up his sleeves. He watched the student spread out and take an attack posture. One of them shot tape out of his...elbows? Y/n doge it like it was no problem. Considering Y/n has no idea what kind of quirks these kids have it was terrifying and exciting considering he hasn't gone in actuality in quite a long time.

Soon enough Y/n realized what they were doing and smirked at their plan. "Trying to surround me I see?" he said calmly. He dodges the tape, lasers, and more long-ranged attacks. "You cocky bastard! i'll blow your ass up so bad, they'll be piecing you back together for weeks." The ash-blond said while coming towards him at full speed. 'His fast i better be careful of him' he thought, as he jumped back only to notice a wall made of ice appear behind him.

He slammed his body onto it leaving a dent on the ice wall, rubbing his head only to see the ash-blond with his hand outstretched right in front of his face with a lange grin. "DIE!" He roared. Y/n eyes widen seeing this ash-blond coming at him with full speed. "Shit" he said under his breath while diving to the other side before doing a flip to get out of the way.

Unfortunately his right leg got caught in the explosion, some of the students froze and had a worried expression. His leg was badly burnt and bleeding. "Bakugo stop! Look at his leg!" a student with glasses yelled at him. "You guys! Stop and look!" A student pointing at Y/n injured leg. They can see the injury healing itself only a second after it was sustained. "I may have not done this in a while but, you kids are gonna have to try harder." Y/n smirked.

"H-how?! It looks like it never happened! ...the only proof is his burnt pants.." The broccoli mumbling. "I'll admit that was a good shot kid" he smiled at the ash-blond. "So what if you can regenerate?! I'll just blow you to pieces before you can!" The ash-blond boy Bakugo glared at him. Y/n just smiled at what he said.

Bakugo launched towards him once again, with the way he was coming at him he surely intended to go through with his threat. 'Should i fight back..? What if i end up injuring one of them severely..?" he thought to himself. He heard a loud click from behind him and felt something cold on his wrist. "Eh?" He jerked his hand back, pulling someone down in the process. A girl with a black ponytail was on the floor, then he heard another click and felt it on his ankle. 'Guess this is karma for spacing out'

There was a hancuffed on both of his wrist and ankle and he didn't know what to make of it. "Uh, is still supposed to restrain me...?" He asked the girl who was still on the floor. 'What is she planning?' He stared at the girl for a moment before remembering the ash-blond kid. He looked around his surroundings but still couldn't see anything, but he heard a blast from above. He took too long to react and Bakugo had gotten a hit from behind.

"Ah Fuck-!" Y/n hissed. The girl that was on the floor took the opportunity to create a pole with weights? In the end. It was stuck in between where another hand or ankle in the case would've usually gone 'A barbell?? You gotta be kidding me. "I gotta give you points for creativity," He compliment.

"I'd clap but i can't so i have to break them if you don't mind?" He asked, despite the fact that he already broke out of them. "What?! So he doesn't just regenerate?!" One of them yelled from up far. "Did you miss All Might saying I was probably stronger than him?" Y/n chuckled, quickly turning to look at the other students.

Suddenly he saw a girl floating to him, he froze in confusion while the floating girl. She put her hands together and whispered something while stop floating and running towards Y/n only for him to doge and only hit his wrist and stop and look at Y/n 'she didn't even grab me?' he thought. A student with a tail ran to him to attack while Y/n doged my jumping to the side but never landed. 'Was it that girls doing?' he thought to himself.

The girl who was previously cuffed was making some kind of cage. Y/n can't really control his movement in the air which is concerning. The ash-blond kid exploded his way up to Y/n, making an explosion sending y/n to the ground. The cage was behind him and he couldn't avoid it. The student closes the cage off once y/n hit the bottom of the cage. Y/n was about to run to the front of the cage while all the sudden his limbs were trapped in ice. "We did it! We actually got him!" The broccoli cheered. "Well i guess i underestimate all of you. I really have gotten rusty after not fighting for years" He sighed. His eyes widen remembering the bet. 'Hopefully they don't remember....hopefully?' he should've thought it through before making this bet. What kind of question are they gonna ask?

"Good job, now why don't you hold up on your end of that bet?" Aizawa smirked. Y/n looked at him, smirked and sigh knowing his man was here to make him suffer. "Oh yeah, how about we talk this out? Whadya say? He laughed nervously. "Oh it's too late for that now, we want answers and we want them now." All the students crowded around the cage staring at Y/n even the teachers. "Well fuck, there isn't any way to take it back." What the hell has he put himself in.

Words 1054

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