Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes when I feel the hot sun rays piercing my skin, I put a hand over my face to cover the sunlight. My eyes squinted, I no longer feel severe headache. As I sat up, the scent of the room smell very good. When I opened my eyes fully, that's when I figured out that I am not inside of our team's cabin. Where am I? I am inside of a room painted in dark blue, the windows that heights from the ceiling down to the door giving the room emphasis. The walls are neatly designed with four white frames that have different pictures, frost design in each corner of the wall, on top of me is a black ceiling curved in big white snowflake with navy blue lining in each edge serving as the center of the room , at right the side of the bed is a black bedside drawer. Atop of it are silver digital alarm clock, minimalist touch control bedside lamp, glass of water and medicine? This room contains modern furniture colored in black. In front of me was a 46 inch led TV attached in the wall, under it is an Xbox, shelf that contains comic books if I am not mistaken. Looking at the left side of the bed, I see two black book shelves. Each volumes are arranged properly, the scenery of glass center table and gray Arne Jacobsen egg chair. 

The door opened, stopping me from roaming my eyes around the room. The door revealed Captain Jack, holding a food tray. "You're awake", he didn't give a smile. I felt my heart thud fast, the captain looked definitely hot with that v-neck shirt partnered with black jagger pants.. it fits his well toned body. This is the first time I saw him wearing simple clothes. He always go out in the field wearing his uniform. What am I saying? I should be angry.. A question hit my mind, why am I here?!

Captain Jack put down the tray to the near table, I looked away from him. Chin up, crossed arms. Scoffing, I rise one eyebrow. "Look, I know you're angry". His husky voice turned to a very soft one, is he lowering his pride? "But I did this, for a reason. You're inside of my house. I took you here, I'll train you here". I felt the mattress descended a little bit when Captain Jack sit down near me, I can smell his wintry scent.

"What am I? A dog? Captain if you're trying to take back what you did to me, I don't need your help. I can manage by my own... Do whatever you want with me. If you want to kick me out of the school go ahead, I can't stand your insult anymore... Take me home, I don't want to be here. I didn't even volunteered to be your trainee". This is the first time I ever talk back. Even if father yells when he's angry at me and Anna, we never talk back. I don't care if he kick me out of the team, suspend me or even expell me out of the school. I will find another military academy. I expected him to yell just like he used to.

I am astonished when he didn't.

Instead, Captain Jack spoke in a very nice tone of his voice. This is the first time I saw him nice to me. "Rest for now after you eat, drink the medicine at the bedside drawer. Call me whenever you need anything. Press the intercom, at the side of the headboard", he stood up. I remained seated with my pride all over the place. The door closed. I breathed out.

What is up with him?

Standing up, I walked over to the table where he put down the food tray. It contains apple, a bowl of porridge and hot coffee and a glass of water. He cares? My heart tolerate the feelings I have now. Going back to the bed, I sat down and pressed the intercom before speaking.

"Captain..Can you go upstairs and join me for breakfast?"

Okay fine, I admit that I felt bad for talking back.

"I can't join you. I'll go today at the school", Captain Jack said.

"Why?", I asked.

"You have so many questions. I'm not google to answer all of it. Just eat, drink your medicine and rest. I'll be back here at eight", Captain Jack said. I pressed the intercom again, I'm weirded out of what he is acting right now. Earlier he's sweet and now he's cold. He surely have a serious mood swing. So I did what he told me to do, I ate the breakfast and drink the medicine.

7:30, the clock reads.

From the window, I can see his black silvery car drove away. I didn't noticed the white sweater in front of me, there's a note in it. Walking over to it, I grab the sticky note and read what it says.

'Wear this if you want to go to the balcony or explore the house. You can go wherever you want but not at the silver door, that's my office and it's off limits. Make sure to wear this sweater, I don't even like the design. I'm talking too much, wear this. You're not a polar bear to tolerate cold nor the ice queen'

It made me smile when I read the part where Captain Jack told me that I'm not a polar bear nor the ice queen. He surely know how to put sarcastic remarks whenever he talk. Shaking my head, I grab the sweater mother knitted me and wear it. This sweater has so many memories. This is the first time mother taught me how to knit sweater. Anna have hers pink, mother purple, father dark green and me white. Hugging the sweater, I closed my eyes. I missed my family.

A ring from the phone caught my attention, it's my cellphone. Looking around the room, I found my luggage at the edge of bed. I knelt down to open it. Before I could open it, I saw a frame lying down on it's face under the bed. I went to grab it, putting the phone atop my shoulder. "Yes hello? Elsa Arendelle speaking?", I said.

"Elsieeee! I'm glad you're super fine!", Rapunzel cried out the other line.

"Ya! Ya been so quiet for a week now!", Merida said.

"What?! A week?!", I almost shout. I put down the picture frame down and stand up. I'll look at it later.

"Yes! You caught high fever last week. Captain Frost took you to his house, we didn't know he paid a private doctor just to check up on you. He didn't even get to sleep because of taking care of you every night", my heart beat fast when Rapunzel told me that.

"Yeah right, poor Captain sleeping at his couch for a week now", Merida snickered to other line.

"Why at the couch?", I asked.

"Dummy, you are sleeping on his room the whole week! But heyyyy I'm so glad you are okay now!", Rapunzel squealed. "I'll call you later when the training finished. We are about to enter Mr. Sandy's class now. So bad you're not here, Mr. Sandy is very nice with his gestures. Extremely cute even if he's a mute!"

"Yeah, I know that the three other captains are nice", I laughed.

"See ya ica! Bye bye~", Merida said.

The call ended. I can't believe what I heard..  Captain Jack lowered his pride for me? He gave way... He spent money just to take care of me ...but why? The idea of picking up the picture frame hit me, I ran to it and looked at it. It is a picture of Captain Jack with his hair dyed brown... Is this his normal hair? He's wearing a suit and the woman ... Wearing a white dress. It looks like they're at some kind of party. But then I noticed their pose, The woman that have bright purple eyes, green violet hair and have fair white skin smiles happily on the photo she's showing a ring in her ring finger.

Is she the ex-girlfriend of Captain Frost...perhaps his ex fiancé?

That means Captain Frost got engaged but then she died. She's beautiful and the name Toothiana suits her, she looked like a very magical fairy. I sighed, putting back the frame under the bed. I'm worried that Captain will get angry because I touched his things. I'm already shy, I owed him a lot.

I lied down the bed, closing my eyes because I felt tired again. I need to recover fast, I need to pass military school. Thank you Captain, whatever reason you have for being so sarcastic and cold ... I know it has something to do with your ex.. I hope you'll be okay soon. Everything turned black, I drifted off to dreamland.



Wohooo what a chappie! Hope enjoyed the chapter~

More flashbacks and chapters coming up soon~

Stay tuned♥♥


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