Chapter 13. Silence I

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This chapter contains mature content such as some adult material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

Nothing but chaos happens in Hogwarts, that's been clear since the day I came here. Umbridge is destroying this school. She makes it her sworn duty to torment every student, especially me.

Ironically, it's abnormally quiet today. Hermione revolved herself around textbooks, constantly studying for the OWLS. And although we all should be prepping ourselves, we haven't bothered. Ron and Harry are off running on their own, doing who knows what.

I roam the halls during lunch. I can't stand to sit in one place. I can't stand seeing his face. I can't stand- listening to others laughing, as horrid as it sounds. I embrace the silence, it keeps me sane.

Only a few people remained in the halls, most were too scared to step out of their dorms. One thing to thank Umbridge for.

As I made my way outside I heard a voice say my name. I turned my neck in irritation. The pitchy whine of a voice sent chills down my arms.

"Such a shame you had to see that last night, Crow." I turned to see Pansy smirking. "Don't worry, I made him feel much better."

"Oh please Pansy, don't you have a teacher to be on your knees for?" I smirked, "seeking attention wherever it's given?"

"What the hell did you just say to me?" She turned red, rushing towards me. "Don't be mad I have what you can't." She spat in my face.

"Oh please, you got a kiss. Lucky you." I laughed.

"Oh darling, it was more than a kiss." She smiled, "he was so sad when you left, he needed a pick me up. We finished what you interrupted in my dorm room."

My blood ran cold.

"Trust me, he was feeling very good afterwards." She pouted so tediously. With her satisfied reaction she began to walk away, her head turning.

I don't know what got into me. Everything about her made me itch, made my skin burn. The way she spoke, the way she smiled, how she always got what she wanted. I couldn't let her get away with the last word.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her back. She shouted in surprise and pain, eyes turned our way quickly.

"What the hell, Crow?" She shouted. Her hands latched on mine, trying to remove my grip. Instead, I dragged her. Dragged her to the nearest bathroom.

"Piss off, Pansy." I threw her on the bathroom floor. She was surprisingly light.

Just as I was about to walk away, I caught her expression. She was furious. She would've tried to kill me right there and then. I wanted to aim my wand as quickly as she smirked with the realization she had gotten to me.

"Is something going on here?" Snape peered around the corner, his robe following like a shadow. I quickly shut the bathroom, leaving Pansy inside. My hand kept the door closed as she rattled the other side.

"Yes, Professor. I was just leaving." I smiled, walking towards the outside doors. My ears were burning, my hands shaking. I didn't regret what I did.

Pacing the stone floor, I tried to calm myself down. While taking deep breaths, I heard the door open and close behind me.

"Why did Pansy just scream at me? Something about her being dragged on the floor in front of the whole school?" I turned around to see Draco. His voice wasn't even angry, it was mostly entertained.

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