Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy

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Harry Potter

We finally made it to the castle, Neveah's cold body in my arms. She was barely breathing, barely alive. Her grey face rested against my chest as her limbs hung limp. I sprinted through the halls, searching for the medical wing. The others followed closely behind.

Lupin, Ron and Dumbledore insisted on carrying her for me. They tried to pry me away as I gathered her in my arms. I refused. My exhaustion was replaced with full energy. I shouldn't have left her side. And I sure as hell can't now.

I just lost Sirius. I can't lose you too, Neveah.

Suddenly, another boy appeared in front of me. I hadn't noticed him until he stood right before me. I wasn't focused on anything besides getting Neveah help. He had what I imagined as the same sickly look I have.

"What the hell happened, Potter?" Draco rushed towards me, looking at Neveah in my arms.

"I-she was fighting.. a-and Bellatrix..." I couldn't form the words. Nothing could describe what had happened. Nothing could describe her pleading voice, begging for help.

"Jesus, Potter." He took her from my arms, and I didn't bother fighting back. She clung to his body even when unconscious. I had reached my breaking point, which I assumed Malfoy noticed.

If I had an ounce more of energy, perhaps I would've fought him away. But when it comes to Neveah, I know he'd protect her just as much as I would.

For just a second I put away my hatred. We followed him to the hospital wing. He set her gently into the nearest bed, and the nurses quickly began rushing around. A few physicians from St. Mungo's had come as well, considering we don't actually know what we're dealing with.

Draco stood on one side, holding her hand tightly. He brushed his hand over her hair. I've never seen him so worried, so scared. He looked in genuine pain, he looked human.

Doctors forced us away from her, needing space to work. Draco's attention shifted to me, his face turned into the aggressive look I've known.

His heavy footsteps stomped towards me. He gripped my collar, raising me upwards.

"What the hell did I say, Potter? I'm going to kill you." His words seethed through his teeth.

"No!" Hermione shouted at us both. "Neveah is ill, she's laying right in front of us. So for one damn minute, will you stop trying to kill each other?"

Hermione had tears in her eyes, her voice catching in her throat. She was right, we both knew that. Reluctantly, Draco put me down. After-all it wasn't about us, it was about our love for Neveah.

A man dressed far more professional than Hogwarts' standard nurse walked towards Dumbledore. The rest of us gathered around, assuming he had an update.

"I'm Dr. Barlaam. You must be the Headmaster." He shook Dumbledore's hand, "I received your message just in time, I'm glad I got here when I did."

"How is she doing?" Draco interrupted. I was thankful he did, if he hadn't then I would've.

"Its... hard to say. We've never seen magic like this before. Even our diagnostics are missing pieces here and there." He did his best to explain something he didn't understand, making us all weary. "Her own body turned on her. It was... mutated. Momentarily, that is. That's the best way to describe it."

"What does that mean? How's that possible?" I didn't understand.

"When casting a diagnostic charm, we can typically find the cause easily. By collecting symptoms, examining wounds, running through her blood, etcetera. Nothing in our records was present. Only her blood."

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