Chapter 31. The Journal

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Neveah Crow

Harry and I sat on the upper level of the library, enjoying the comfort the silence brought us. It had become a perfect habit. There was no need to indulge in constant conversation or small talk, we simply just enjoyed each other's presence.

We sat across one another on the window seat, overlooking the water. The weather had become colder, proven by the fog on the window. I wore my golden sweater, stitched with the letter N to keep me warm. I was entranced in my reading until I felt chills creep up my back.

I looked up to see Harry not working, but staring. His head leaning against the window, his eyes now locked at mine. A small smirk crept upon his face.

"What are you smiling about now?"

"You." He responded shortly.

I smiled, cheeks flushed, and returned my eyes to my journal. The slight shuffle was all I heard before Harry's hands wrapped around my calves, pulling himself closer. Our legs interlocked and he rested his head on his knees, looking at me once again.

"What are you reading?" His hands ran up and down my ankles, drawing shapes as he spoke.

"A journal." My words were more breathy than anticipated and Harry responded with a smile.

"Tell me about it." His fingers traveled higher. Ankle, knee, thigh. Up and down.

"It's um, my parents wrote it actually."

"Really?" Stars. He was drawing stars.

"Yes. I never told you, did I?" I tried to keep my eyes down, pretending to be focused on the words in front of me.

Harry removed his hands and I sighed in both relief and longing. He pushed the notebook down into my lap, putting away the distraction. His hand lifted my chin, pulling me close. Slowly, teasingly, his lips met mine. To my distaste, it ended just as it began.

"Go on." He smiled.

"Remember when I left to visit my grandparents?" He nodded, "well, I got the answers I've been looking for Harry."

Harry picked up his head, suddenly focused. I wondered just how much I should share. All this time I've kept it to myself. It was a burden, a blessing. Everything. Tell him everything.


During the reign of Tom Riddle, a new era for the Crows began. Money and power. It had always been money and power. Seeking more than one person should bear.

Leslie Crow blindly followed her husband into a lifelong commitment of serving the Dark Lord. And from that moment forward, that was the only life they knew.

When their daughter was born, her life had already been planned out. Schooling, marriage, commitment. The second she was born, her life was taken from her hands. She'd never make a single choice of her own. At least that's what she thought.

Kamilla Crow married a man named Ezra Edalyn. He, too, had no choice. Somehow, someway, they found love in their torture. And for a while, they were happy.

That was until he began his reign. Voldemort. Once again, power was at play. And you cannot stop a train that was already in motion. Three Slytherins and a Gryffindor were inducted into the forever serving league of Deatheaters in 1979.

Like Slytherins do, they stuck together. Severus Snape had always kept his distance, never quite a friend. Nor was he an enemy. Silently, discreetly, they had each other's back.

Kamilla and Ezra were the brightest of the bright. Thriving in potions and curses. It was their job to create the weapons for the end of the world.

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