Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy

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This chapter contains mature content such as sexual material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

Flitwick had just finished his 30 minute review of our next exam and the class sat silently at their desks. Even as the professor's snores filled the room students kept their noses in books. Some joined him in his nap while others quietly flew paper animals around the room.

I was annotating my text book when a paper crane flew gently onto my desk. I looked around the room until a sly grin caught me.

"Open it." Draco silently mouthed the words, gesturing to the bird on my paper.

With a grin on my face I unfolded the piece of paper, no longer alive.

I miss you.
     - Dray

I shook my head with a smile, returning back to my book. A second later another crane fell onto the pages.

That's rude.
     - Draco

I shook my head, looking in his direction once more.

"You're,"  he pointed a silent finger at me, "mean."  he made an angry face as I stifled a laugh.

I took out a loose piece of paper, writing a reply.


I folded the paper into a neat butterfly before sending it his way.

The next five minutes consisted of flying cranes and butterflies carrying silent conversations.

You don't miss me? :(
     - Draco Malfoy

You're six feet away from me and we
see each other every hour...
(and why do you keep signing your name
as if I don't know who it's from?)

I still miss you.
(its romantic)
     - Dracula Malforis

How will you ever live without me
if you miss me already?
-  Neveahous Crust

I'll never have to find out.
(your code name turns me on.)
     - Draymous

- Norris Cod

Norris, let us escape this dungeon
To a place we can love freely.
      - Dragonly Man

Oh my knight and shining armor.
(seriously... dragon-ly?)
- Neck Crock

Meet me in the hall.
(I saw you roll your eyes)
     - Love Draco Malfoy

I looked up to see Draco's seat empty, Flitwick still knocked out on his desk. I gently tucked the notes into my bag, along with my textbooks. I quietly stood up, careful not to make a single noise. Slowly, I crept out of the classroom.

"Took you forever." Draco's hands pulled me at my waist, turning me to face him. "I was waiting for you... Norris."

"Dracula Malforis was definitely my favorite." I grinned, my hands balancing on his chest. "But really... Neveahous Crust? That's what does it for you?"

"Well... Norris is growing on me." He laughed into my hair, his lips placing a gentle kiss on my neck. "Let's go."

He kissed me with a quick peck before bolting towards the stairs, pulling me along with him.

The Crowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें