Chapter 26. Amortenia

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**CONTENT WARNING**This chapter contains mature content such as sexual material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

"H-Harry..." I panted. "Harry slow down, I can't- fuckkk."

Harry towered above me, his hands propped up on both sides of my head. His hair was completely disheveled, and body was etched in sweat. His jawline was more prominent than I've ever noticed before, his body flexing at every stroke.

"I love it when you say my name, you know that?" Harry thrusted himself forcefully, causing me to cry out in pleasure. He dove himself into my neck, kissing my skin with his hot breath.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his body flesh to mine. He continued to kiss my collarbone, up my neck, and nibbled gently at my ear.

"You're absolutely stunning." He whispered. "Now say my name, please? Say it."

Harry kept his pace steady, leading me closer to release. I shuddered at every movement, unable to control my body. He made me feel ecstatic, completely in shock.

"H-Harry..." I huffed. "Oh Harry, fuck!"

My eyes jolted open. I felt hot, I was sweating. My tank top clung to my body, my sheets were thrown off to the side. I sat up, realizing it was all a dream.

I rubbed my head, trying to process it all. I had a sex dream... about Harry Potter.

Bloody hell, I never thought of him that way. How did he manage himself inside my head? My heart was still racing, as if my body really experienced it all. I felt almost... disappointed? Upset that I didn't finish the dream.

No, no that's foul. Harry is just a friend, I shouldn't think that way.

"Well you're up early?" Hermione walked out of the bathroom. One towel wrapped around her body, the other drying her hair. "Had a pleasant dream, I'm guessing?"

I felt my face turn bright red. Who knows how much escaped my mouth that night. I covered my face with my palms, feeling complete embarrassment.

"Decided to take a shower... you know, to leave you and Harry some time alone."

"Hermione!" I threw my pillow across the room, Hermione was laughing in amusement. "Merlin's Beard, did I really say it out loud?"

"Loud and clear I'm afraid." She continued to laugh while getting dressed. "I didn't know you had a thing for Harry?"

"I don't!"

"That's not what you said last night." She giggled.

I walked over with another pillow, attacking her from behind. She squealed and taunted me as I tackled her to the bed.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" She shouted. "Who knows where they've been. Maybe I should ask Harry?"

Hermione cackled uncontrollably as I threw my pillow over her head over and over. Too busy laughing, she couldn't manage to fight back.

"Not funny!" I whined. "I never mentioned that time with Ron, did I?"

"What!" She shot up, "you heard that? I-It was a long time ago Nev!"

"Oh Ron, please." I mimicked "I love you Ron, ohhhh yess!"

Hermione gasped, followed by a declaration of war. She grabbed multiple pillows off her bed, standing on top of the mattress. She shouted while throwing them as I ran. In a fit of giggles we chased and teased each other around the room.

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