Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire

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Harry Potter


Dear Neveah,

As days pass, they only get harder. I feel worthless most of the time. I can't help but think of the days where you would tell me I could do it. That I was strong. I know right about now you would scold me. You would tell me something along the lines of, "Harry Potter, you are the chosen one. No one can succeed like you can." But it doesn't beat hearing it from you instead of my memories.

I refuse to believe you're gone. Denial or not, I know you're out there Neveah. I don't care about my duty, or my title. I care about finding you. I can't focus. I know he's coming, but I'm afraid Neveah. I'm scared. I need you. Please, come back to me.

I know I need to fight. I know I need to prepare, but I can't.

Love, Harry Potter

Neveah Crow

"You're up early." Snape silently appeared behind me.

"Never slept." I didn't turn around. For days and nights I hunched over endless notes, reading my parents journal front to back at least a dozen times. Pages scattered across the table. I even rummaged through Snape's work throughout the past month.

"That's not good for your health Miss Crow." My eyes were drones, frantically searching the papers in front of me.

"I'm not getting better, Professor. What use do I have now? The least I can do is find something- anything I might've missed." I reached for the next stack of papers, but before I could pull them close, Snape quickly took my wrist.

"It will take time, Neveah." My eyes finally met his, and I found them filled with remorse. "But for now, you need to rest."

He let go of my wrist as I took a deep breath.

"What did I miss? What did I do wrong?" You would think I would be out of tears by now, but suddenly my eyes burned. " I- I don't understand."

"Absolutely nothing. You did absolutely nothing wrong." His comfort was sympathetic despite his awkward demeanor. "I will fix this, Miss Crow."

Draco Malfoy


Dear Bird,

You're alive, aren't you?

I may have made a thousand mistakes in my life, Neveah, but I would never mistake your touch, your voice. You're alive and I don't know what that means. I am ashamed, I am grateful, I am lost.

Where are you? What are you planning? Are you okay? No matter the answer, please let me stand by your side once more. How many more times must I lose you? How many more times will it be the consequences of my actions? I would give anything in the world to take back what I did.

Even if you say you forgive me, I cannot forgive myself. I will spend whatever time I have left in this life making it up to you.

With Love, Draco M.

Neveah Crow

"Isn't the whole point of me faking my death is for me to stay hidden?" I tucked my hands deeper into my fleece coat, following Professor's footsteps through the snow.

"No one will see you."

"Well thank you for the reassurance Professor, but to be fair you did kill me, resurrect me, and kidnap me all in one day. So forgive me if I'm a little skeptical."

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