Chapter 12. Answers

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I can't believe we're almost at 10k.... (future me: who would've guessed we'd be at 40+) I love you guys so much. Also, I LOVE reading your comments. They're hilarious and I enjoy hearing who you're rooting for too!

{Future, future me speaking. I just finished editing this chapter and adding a few more bits and... it's SO long. This is equivalent to almost 2 chapters, hope you don't mind :)}

Neveah Crow

Things have been good. Well, okay. Okay as it'll ever be right now. Harry and I talk every day, like nothing out of the ordinary. Our conversations are more casual than before, thankfully because the lack of nightmares. Hermione and Ron separate from us every now and then. Planned or not, it's quite satisfying to watch our group in pairs. 

I've been able to keep sane without Draco Malfoy constantly running through my head. We haven't spoken once, considering I dodge every corner when I see him. My friends do their part in supporting me, and giving me something new to think about.

The trio and I roamed the library, looking for books to help plan our next DA meeting. Before long I was far off from the group, engrossed in the books along the shelves.

Reading the titles along the spines, I didn't realize the creeping shadow behind me. A strong hand gripped around my mouth, stopping me from screaming. I was pinned against a bookshelf aggressively.

This felt familiar.

"What the fuck, Draco?" I cried as soon as he released his grip from my mouth. I tried to push away, but his arms trapped me in place. 

"I needed to see you, to talk to you." He ran his fingers through my hair. I snapped my head, moving away from his touch. He twitched his nose, irritated but didn't bother to argue.

"Well that makes one of us," My second attempt to escape only made it worse. One hand clamped around my wrist, pinned against the shelves above my head. Trying to wiggle free was impossible, he only tightened his grip. "What the hell do you want?" I accepted defeat. 

"I miss you." His eyes left mine, trailing down my neck instead. "You still wear the necklace I gave you?" A small smile crept on his face, a reaction of hope.

Merlin's Beard... he made me so weak. The familiar touch of his skin on mine. The way his eyes fell on me like no other. I wanted to cave in right there and then.

"You can have it." I honestly don't know why I said it, but I did. I remember his lie, and the future he was destined to have. And with that, my anger pushed away my desires. I reached for the chain on my neck.

He quickly grabbed my free wrist, pushing it against the shelf. Together my hands made an intimate pair above my head. He pressed closer, desperate and angry. 

"Don't you dare take it off." His words seethed from his lips. His eyes never left mine as he took a deep breath, bringing his temper down. "I know you don't want to see me, but just listen to what I have to say."

I stayed silent, both from shock and curiosity. I waited for him to continue.

"I was thinking, there had to have been a reason- " His jaw clenched tightly, so that it was visible from the outside. "A reason my father did what he did."

"So it's my parents fault?" I snapped, my voice a low shout.

"Will you be quiet and listen?" He inched himself closer, "I think your parents were good people. They-were good people. They must've done something to piss off The Dark Lord. Gone behind his back, or tried to leave... The Death Eaters." He looked down, disgusted with his words.

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