Chapter 33. Second Love

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**CONTENT WARNING**This chapter contains mature content such as sexual material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

"Good morning." A rough hand tightened around my waist, a voice mumbling in my ear.

"Good morning." I wrapped my arms around his, fitting myself in the nook he created. "Did you kick Ron out again?"

"Nope, he left himself this time." Ron had gotten tired of finding his best friend with his half naked girlfriend every weekend.

"He's probably 'rooming' with 'Mione again."

"This is nice, isn't it?" Harry's hand found stray pieces of hair, tucking them neatly behind my ear.

"What is?" I turned around, my hands resting on his warm chest.

"Us. Right here, sleeping in together. Ron and Hermione, our best friends. It feels good, doesn't it? Like it's supposed to be this way?"

My hand traced his jaw, focusing on the sharp edge. It wasn't long before my lips found his. He was right. It was like a perfect ending I couldn't seem to understand.

"Yes. It does feel nice, Harry."

We took our time getting ready, bathing in the free time the weekend allowed. No homework or projects, just breezing through as the year came to the end.

"I have to meet with Dumbledore in half an hour." Harry said as he buttoned his pants, shirt still lost on the floor.

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Not a clue. I should be used to it by now, shouldn't I? I'm more occupied with helping Dumbledore than my own school work." Harry's voice of half irritation and acceptance.

"You shouldn't have to Harry. You're supposed to enjoy your school year without worrying about losing your life." I voiced the anger Harry pushed away.

"All in a day's work of the Chosen One, right?" Harry walked to me, his hands resting at my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair.

"How much to keep the Chosen One to myself?"

"That's a big price, I'll have to talk to my assistant about it. But, I'm sure we can make something work." He smiled a cheesy smile before pressing his lips to mine.


I sat in the common room next to the fireplace. A blanket wrapped around me and a book rested in my lap. Today was the first snow, later than usual. The atmosphere was disturbed by a harsh wind from the painting. I turned to see Harry Potter slamming the door closed.


Harry turned to surprise me. In a matter of hours his eyes had fallen so deep into despair that he hadn't been recognizable. Purple surrounded his eyes, scrunching as he gave a weak smile.

"Merlin Harry, come here." I set aside my book before opening the blanket with wide arms. Harry sulked as he walked. He threw his body onto the couch, between my legs. His head rested on my belly and his arms tight around my waist. "What happened?"

"Very, very long day..." Harry mumbled with his eyes closed, exhaustion radiating. My hands found his hair, running my fingers through it. He groaned and pulled himself closer. "I missed you."

"It was only a few hours, Harry." I smiled to myself.

"A few hour without the women I love."

"What?" My hands froze and my body stiffened. "Harry, can you say that again?" I asked, not sure I heard correctly.

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