Chapter 28. Fiery

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This chapter contains mature content such as blood and violence. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Draco Malfoy

I knew she didn't love him. I knew that. But hearing the words come out of her mouth was the most horrid experience. Then I remembered what I said to her on the train. And I realized it could have been worse, and this was for the best.

What wasn't for the best, was Adrian Pucey. That bastard has never been anything more than a copycat with a good disguise. Though I saw right through it since I met him. Put up with it for my father. He always wanted what I had, never quite reached it. From the money, the name, to the girl.

Apparently, he believed that was something he could have. He could take.

Before I handled it myself, I actually thought things through. Before Neveah, I would have never questioned the choice to attack at any given chance. But this involved her, and I need to be sure. Going against everything I once said, he was my last resort.

"What the hell is going on?" Blunt, but he knew what I meant.

"Malfoy? The hell are you doing here?" Harry replied while his friends sat confused. Books surrounded them on the table.

"Look, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Neveah. Pucey drugged her."

"We figured that much, Malfoy. Thank you, you can leave now." He returned his gaze forward, back to his friends. I bit my cheek, trying to keep my anger in check.

"Look- I can't help her anymore. At least not in the way she needs." I hated to admit it. To actually ask for help all because of my own doing. My own ignorance. "I just want you- to ask you, to help her. I can't bear to watch her with him."

Harry let out a sigh, glancing at Granger before turning to face me.

"We're already working on it. I don't like seeing her with him either, we all have that in common here." He gestured to the others. "For Neveah's sake, we can... work together." He struggled to push out the words, almost as much as I struggled to accept.

For Neveah's sake. Remember that. I couldn't bother to agree out loud. Instead, I pulled out a chair, taking a seat silently. The others looked at each other wearily before continuing their explanation. Here I was, in plain sight, fraternizing with my enemy.

"I already retrieved an antidote from Professor Slughorn. At first we tried to ambush her, but she didn't fall for it. Threatened to hex us if we got in the way." Potter twitched at the memory.

"And she would easily do it. She's much more powerful then she leads on, don't underestimate her threats." I reminded, earning myself a surprised look. "The potion is destroying her vision, nothing will stop her from attacking unless she lets her guard down. I don't exactly see that happening."

"Well, we sorta figured that part out." Hermione looked at Potter with weary eyes, debating if she should continue. "Harry is going to meet with her, alone. Coincidentally, to her knowledge."

"Harry Potter, hmm?" I corked my head upwards, fighting the thought.

"Do you have a better idea?" I kept silent at his question. "I'll talk to her, get through. I know I can. If I have to, I'll make her believe I'm on her side."

"I don't care what you do, just make sure she gets that Antidote." I stood up from my chair, "I'll take care of Pucey."

"Your plan?" He wondered.

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