A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)

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"When the dust clears you see a Ponyta barely standing while Sandslash is launched into the sky."Sandslash, use Icicle Crash, Ponyta use Flame Charge!"Nick says and Sandslash curls into a ball Icicle spikes facing ahead of himself slamming into Fearow.Ponyta gets back up and runs straight ahead at Beedrill hitting.When the dust settles Beedrill shakes his head barely flying but was able to survive the attack because Iron Defense was still activated.But Fearow not so much."Brrrr!"The alarm meaning the five minutes is up blares."And right on time, Nick barely wins!These were some tough battles!"The announcer says."You're pretty good."Jessie says petting Fearow returning her along with Beedrill."Thanks, you were pretty good yourself."Nick says as he and Sandslash help Ponyta get back up.The two trainers then walk away."That guy's pretty tough."Jessie says walking into the break room.I know he beat both of us!And he's kinda cute."Misty whispers to herself."What Misty?"Ash asks."Nothing!"Misty says whistling walking away."Weird, anyway we should go see Brock's thing."Ash says."Oh yeah, last thing on our to do list."James says standing up, but Meowth falls off his head barely landing on his feet."What does it take to get a good nap these days."Meowth says sarcastically following his trainer and friends."Welcome, one and all to the breeder's contest!"A lady says with a Ninetales by her side with a Megaphone."Hey guys!"Brock says walking up to Ash and his friends."Wow, this joint is bigger than I thought!"Meowth says climbing to the top of James head looking around."Hey, watch where you put those claws!"James says."Don't worry your not so pretty, purple head."Meowth says."It's lavender!"James says."I know this might be weird, but did your Meowth just talk?"A young fourteen year old says."You just had to draw attention to yourself didn't you."Jessie says."It's not my fault I'm a rare kind."Meowth says proudly hopping off James's head."Great, you gave him an even bigger ego."Ash whispers to which Misty and Jessie giggle."Wow, when did he learn that?"The girl says."A heart felt story about heartbreak and determination."Meowth says."He simped for a girl Meowth so he learned how to talk to impress her.But she called him a freak and left him for a Persian."Jessie says."And I never simped again."Meowth says."Well anyway, nice to meet you.Wanna go out for-"Brock starts to say but Ryhorn pops out of her Pokéball and gives Brock a death glare along with Misty."A fun time at this breeders festival with all of us!"Brock quickly says but Misty gives Brock an I got my eyes on you motion to him."One, two, three."Meowth says."S to the I to the M to the P.Simp!"Ash, James and Meowth say together."Guys!"Brock says."Sorry, couldn't help it."Ash says rubbing the back of his head.

"To start things off we're gonna have a Pokémon type tournament!"The same lady says."You can enter at the most three Pokémon of each type in each tournament."The announcer says."And if you have more than six Pokémon the Professors have allowed us to have the ability to have more than six Pokémon with you at a time."I'll be right back!"Ash says running to the nearest P.C."Well we should go get signed up the girl says walking toward a booth."Well might as well get started.Ash says getting in line.

"We're gonna start off with the flying type contest!Any Pokemon that can levitate or fly at least six feet above the ground may enter."The same lady says.The contestants are a Charizard, Ash's Butterfree, a Pidgey, Ash's Pidgeotto, a Pidgeot, Jessie's Fearow, Brock's Zubat, a Crobat, a Scyther, James Gyarados, Misty's Gyarados, a Noctowl, and Jessie's Beedrill."Let the race begin!"The lady says and the Pokémon fly off in a rush.The Pidgey, Scyther and the two Gyarados are at the back, Beedrill and Noctowl are ahead, Pidgeotto, Fearow, and Zubat are up ahead but Zubat is a bit behind.In front is Charizard, Pidgeot, and Crobat."Go guys go!You can do it!"All the trainers say to their Pokémon."Zubat I know you can do it!"Brock says to Zubat who starts to catch up but glows white.When the light clears you see a bigger Zubat, that has eyes now.(I'm using Golbat with it's mouth closed because I don't understand how Golbat would be able to keep it's mouth open almost all the time.Also makes me think where does Golbat's food go.)"That's a Golbat I think!"James says because the Zubat line is very common in Team Rocket.Golbat then goes from barely keeping up to neck and neck with Pidgeotto.(And I know Golbat has no neck.)The race then finishes with Crobat getting first place, Pidgeot gets second, Charizard get third, Pidgeotto gets fourth, and Golbat gets fifth."Golbat!You did great!"Brock says and Golbat says his name happily.The trainers congratulate their Pokémon and go through the other types with their own challenge.

"This next competition will be the battle competition.Only legalized Pokémon breeders are allowed to participate.The participants will need five Pokémon.The winner will get to keep a mystery Pokémon."The lady says walking off stage with Ninetales with it's head up high."A Pokémon! I wonder what it could be?"Misty wonders."I don't know, but it sounds pretty rare Jessie says."I think pebble brains forgot something."Meowth says."What?"Brock asks."Last I checked you only have four Pokémon."Meowth says."You're right!"Brock says."Well you can borrow one of my Pokémon if you want."Ash says."But it's not allowed."Brock says sadly.He then feels a tug on his backpack, and when he turns around and sees a red fox like Pokémon with six tails biting the pocket with all the Pokémon food."Hey!Get yer own grub!"Meowth says and it breaths a fire ball at Meowth who barely dodges."Dat was just plain rude!"Meowth says."I think..."Brock starts to say."He."Meowth says and it fires another fire ball at him."Fine, she."Meowth says."She just wants some food."Brock says and reaches into his bag and grabs some of Growlie's food."Growl!"Growlie says madly."Me and James will make more later."Brock says and gives her some and she quickly devoursr it."Can I ask you a favor?If I give you more food can you help me in some battles?"Brock asks and she nods.Brock brings out his Pokédex.Vulpix, the Fox Pokémon.As each tale grows, it's fur becomes more lustrous.When happy they start to heat up.This Pokémon is female and has the ability Flash Fire.She knows Quick Attack, Fire Spin, Incinerate, and Baby doll Eyes.

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