The end of a rockin rematch!

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"Pidgeotto's unable to battle."The referee says."Return Pidgeotto you did great, I can't believe Geodude evolved!"Ash says."I knew he was strong enough to evolve just had to wait for him to be pushed enough."Brock says patting the rock type on the back as he smiles."Well I'm not stepping down, go Butterfree!"Ash says releasing the bug type."Butterfree, use Sleep Powder!"Ash says and Butterfree flaps his wings releasing blue powder from his wings."Graveler dodge it!"Brock says knowing that Graveler's very weak from battling with Pidgeotto.Sadly for Brock and his rock type Graveler's not used to his new body fumbles over unable to dodge the attack."Butterfree, use Energy Ball!"Ash says firing the ball of green energy hitting creating an explosion.When the dust clears Graveler's on the ground no yet fainted."Yes sturdy!Cmon Graveler wake up!"Brock says and Graveler fumbles off the ground waking up."Quick Butterfree use Bug Buzz!"Ash says.Butterfree says his name loudly releasing red wave which hit Graveler causing him to faint.Brock sighs returning Graveler."We need to work on your speed, but you did great Geodude I mean Graveler."Brock says returning the rock type."Go, Ryhorn!"Brock says releasing his rhinoceros like Pokémon."Butterfree, use Poison Powder!"Ash says."Ryhorn, dodge it!"Brock says but she dodges skillfully."Ryhorn, use Thunderfang!"Brock says and the female ground type leaps in the air with her teeth covered in electricity biting onto Butterfree's side."Butterfree, use Stun Spore!"Ash says.The butterfly Pokémon flaps his wing slightly releasing yellow powder causing paralysis and it spreads throughout Ryhorn's body."Butterfree, use Energy Ball!"Ash says and Butterfree fires the ball of energy straight at Ryhorn's face causing an explosion."Ryhorn, use Smack Down!"Brock says and the ground type throws the rock once again making one of his flying types drop to the ground."Now Ryhorn use Drill Run!"Brock says as Ryhorn's horn spins rapidly as she runs into Butterfree sending him flying causing him to faint.

"Great job Butterfree return.Now go Pikachu!"Ash says as Pikachu leaps off Ash's shoulder ready to battle."Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"Ash says as Pikachu runs straight into Ryhorn sending her a few inches back due to her being very heavy."Ryhorn, use Bulldoze!"Brock says as Ryhorn stomps the ground creating a small earthquake."Pikachu, quick use magnet Rise!"Ash says as Pikachu barely hops on his tail in time."Now Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"Ash says as Pikachu leaps off his tail as it shines with metallic energy as he aims to hit Ryhorn straight on the head."Ryhorn, grab it with Fire Fang!"Brock says as Ryhorn bites onto Pikachu's tail with her teeth covered in fire."Now, throw em!"Brock says as Ryhorn throws Pikachu towards a wall."Kmon, kmon Ash think!"Ash thinks to himself but comes up with an idea."Pikachu, use Thunder Iron Rocket!"Ash says as Pikachu grins midair.He fires an electro web creating a net.He's slingshotted into the net while his tail once again has a metallic glow.He's sent right back at Ryhorn slamming his tail onto Ryhorn's head causing Ryhorn to faint."Return, go Onix!"Brock says releasing his biggest Rock type."Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"Ash says as Pikachu runs towards Onix swiftly."Onix, use Iron Tail!"Brock says as Onix's tail has a metallic glow."Quick, turn to the left and use Dig!"Ash says as Pikachu makes a sharp turn to the left and burrows into the ground."Onix, use Rock Slide to shake up the ground!"Brock says as white orbs form in front of Onix turning into large rocks as the crash onto the ground."Now!"Ash says as Pikachu jumps out of the ground with his glowing with brown energy sucker punching Onix under his chin."Onix, use Bind and make sure that Pikachu can't move at all!"Brock says as Onix grabs Pikachu right out of the air."Pikachu use Iron Tail!"Ash says but Pikachu can't move his tail and Onix just squeezes harder.This continues on until Pikachu's barely able to stay conscious."No this can't happen!Pikachu doesn't have any projectile attacks that aren't electric typed.But once again Pikachu has an idea."Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Onix's face!"Ash says as Pikachu fires a bolt of electricity at Onix's face making Onix lose his grip on Pikachu due to the flash."Now, use Iron Tail!"Ash says as Pikachu's tail once again glows Metallicly slamming it on top of Onix's head knocking him out."Onixis unable to battle making Ash the winner!"The referee says as Brock returns his first Pokémon."Great job buddy!"Ash says and scratches Pikachu under his chin.

"This'll be a battle between Gary and Daisy!"The referee says as the two siblings release their Pokémon."Go, Nidorina!"Daisy says releasing the poison type."Go, Nidorino!"Gary says releasing the purple Pokémon."Nidorino, use Dig!"Gary says as Nidorina's counterpart digs underground."Nidoria, use Dig as well!"Daisy says as the female Poison type burrows underground."Nidorino, as soon as you see Nidorina use Shadow Claw!"Gary says as you hear Nidorino say his name in a agreement.Daisy whispers something in the hole Nidorina dug and she also says her name in agreement.


As Nidorino's digging he sees what looks to be Nidorina standing completely still.Nidorino being an attack first, ask questions later kind of mon.His claw glows with ghostly power as he slashes the so called Nidorina as she disappears.And Nidorino is confused Nidorina's foot glows with ground type energy repeatedly kicking Nidorino out of the hole."What?!"Gary says surprised."Now Nidorina, follow up with Iron Tail!"Daisy says as Nidorina leaps out the hole doing the attack sending Nidorino quite far back."Nidorino, use Smart Strike!"Gary says as Nidorino's horn glows with metallic energy stabbing Nidorina in the stomach sending her a few feet back."Nidorina, use Shadow Claw!"Daisy says as Nidorina's claws extend with ghostly energy."Nidorino, you do the same!"Gary says and Nidorina's counterpart does the same.The two slash each other and they both land...but Nidorino falls to the ground fainted.

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