Challenge of the Samurai

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"Aaaaaaaaaaah!"Misty screams.The group sighs, tired of all the screaming."What now?"Ash asks tired of all the screaming."I think I see another bug!"Misty says scared."Great!That means I can catch another Pokémon!"Ash says excitedly."Hold it twerp I get this one, you already have 3, James has 5, and I know Ms.Screamington over here doesn't want it."Jessie says."Fine Ash says."Hardy har har, now get rid of it!"Misty says pointing to a Weedle."Go Ekans!"Jessie says as Ekans jumps in front of her trainer.But while they were talking the weedle walked over to Misty to which she screams and runs away."She'll be fine, now Ekans use dig on Weedle!"Jessie says.

Misty is walking through the forest mad about all the bugs."This whole forest is crawling with slimy disgusting Pokémon that I wish would bug off!"Misty says angrily.You see someone unsheathe a Katana and jump through the air ready to swing with samurai armor and a bug net on his back, sadly for him Misty wields a mallet that comes from nowhere breaking the Katana and sends the kid barreling into a tree."Ow!what was that for!"The kid says angrily."Oh let's see, swinging a katana at my head!"Misty replies."Oh forget about it are you from Pallet town?"He asks."No, even if I was I wouldn't tell you!"Misty says."Alas, my search continues."He says and walks away grabbing some tape from his pocket and tapes up the Katana."Weirdo."Misty says walking towards what she thinks is the way of her group. 

"Now go Pokeball!"Jessie says throwing a Pokéball after wearing down the Weedle.The Pokeball shakes and she catches the Weedle."Can I borrow the Pokédex?"Jessie asks."Fine, but when we get to Pewter City we're getting you two a Pokédex."Ash says.Weedle the hairy bug Pokémon Beware of the sharp stinger on it's head.It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.This Weedle is male and has the ability shield dust.It's known moves are string sot and poison sting.While checking Weedle's move set they don't notice that someone is sneaking up on Ash.Misty sees this and goes running to Ash to them but it's to late.......for the Samurai kid.Jessie dashes toward the Ash and the samurai kid grabs the katana with her bare hands and YEETS him into a tree."I think Jessie's motherly instincts just kicked in."Meowth says."Stay away from Ash you weirdo!"Jessie screams."Ow, I was just gonna challenge him to a battle."The Samurai kid says."Yeah, a death battle!"Jessie says angrily."Jessie calm down how about we settle this with a Pokémon battle?"Ash asks trying to keep Jessie from killing the boy."Fine but if he tries anything."Jessie says and brings out her Mallet."I promise..the Samurai kid says scared."Wait are you from Pallet town?"the Samurai kid asks."Yeah, why're you asking?"Ash replies."Great, I can win and regain my honor after being defeated by those two trainers from Pallet, go Pinsir assume battle mode!"The samurai kid says."This kid watches to much Naruto."James says from the sidelines."Go Pidgey!"Ash says."This will be easier than I thought, Pinsir use Vice grip!"The samurai kid says."Pidgey dodge it and use steel wing!"Ash says as Pidgey dodges the attacks and attacks."Pinsir use seismic toss!"The samurai kid says.Pinsir grabs Pidgey, jumps in the air and slams her to the ground.When the dust clears Pidgey is still up but a bit bruised."Now Pidgey use gust!"Ash says.Pidgey flaps her wings and as the dust clears Pinsir's barely standing."Pinsir give it all you got and use bug bite!"the samurai kid says.Pinsir clamps down on Pidgey with green glowing Pinsirs."Pidgey use sand attack on Pinsir's eyes!"Ash says.Pidgey flaps her non clamped on wing to pick up some sand and gets it in Pinsir's eyes causing him to drop Pidgey."Pinsir use vice grip, get back in it's place!"The samurai kid says."Pidgey dodge it and finish him off with tackle!"Ash says.Pidgey finishes off Pinsir to which the Samurai kid returns."Pidgey return, go Butterfree!"Ash says."Pinsir return, go Metapod!"The samurai kid says."Butterfree use electro web!"Ash says which instantly knocks out Metapod."Well that was quicker than I expected."Ash says."Fine, I concede."The samurai kid says and leaves.The group soon gets to the pathway of Pewter city and they sit on a rock to rest."You're sitting on my merchandise you know"A scratchy voice says."Oh sorry for sitting on your rocks."Ash says confused."They're Pewter city souvenirs, wanna buy some?."Says the scratchy voice that comes from a man in his forty's."No thanks we're good, but do you know where the Pokémon center is?"Ash asks."Yeah, follow me and that will cost you two dollars for resting on my rocks."The man says.

"Nurse Joy can you heal our Pokémon please?"Ash asks."Sure Right away Ash."A familiar nurse says."Huh nurse Joy?"Ash says confused."Yes, I'm Nurse Joy."Nurse Joy replies."But this isn't Viridian City, this is Pewter City."Ash says still confused."The Joy in Viridian City is my little sister."Nurse Joy says."I've heard nice things about your group from my little sister, turns out you guys are some pretty good trainers."Nurse Joy says."Thanks."Ash replies."Oh and if any of you or your friends wanna be in the Pokémon league than look at that Poster."Nurse Joy says taking the group's Pokémon to the back room to get healed."James look, it says the Pokémon League will start in June, so that means we have around 13 months to get all the badges."Ash says."Well we might be able to but who knows."James says."Hey of course we're gonna get there, all it takes is some time."Ash says."Don't tell me you two are gonna challenge Brock the Pewter city gym leader?"The man says in a kind of chuckling way."Of course we are, as soon as our Pokémon are ready and we train a bit than we'll be ready to go!"Ash says.

"So Ash I think you bit off more than we can chew so I think we should start training."James says."Sure, Jessie we're about to train come on!"Ash says."You know Jessie you don't always have to join them in training."Misty says."I know but there's a contest coming up so might as well."Jessie says jumping off the bench they were sitting on.

They soon check the Pokédex for moves their Pokémon should learn.Pikachu will learn quick attack, Pidgey will learn the same, Butterfree will learn confusion, Growlie will learn flame wheel, Carnivine will learn bullet seed, Meowth will learn fury swipes, Koffing will learn clear smog, bellsprout will learn sleep powder, Ekans will learn bite, spearow can learn fury attack and Weedle can learn bug bite.

The group soon gets to work with Pikachu and Pidgey's are trying to get faster which they soon do which isn't uncommon for their species and learn quick attack and Pikachu is learning electro web from Butterfree while Pidgey's learning aerial ace.Butterfree at first is having trouble learning confusion but gets it down and is teaching Pikachu electro web and teaching Weedle bug bite.Growlie has trouble getting a flame to cover his whole body but learns it and starts to learn dig.Carnivine quickly learns bullet seed and is learning energy ball.Meowth quickly learns fury swipes and is learning fake out.Koffing has no trouble learning clear smog an is now learning toxic spikes.Bellsprout quickly learns sleep powder and is learning grass knot.Ekans quickly learns bite and is learning glare.Spearow quickly learns fury attack and is learning aerial ace with Pidgey.Weedle with the help of Butterfree has learned bug bite and is working on his poison sting with Ekans.So next time James and Ash will have their first gym battle and Brock better be ready, and Jessie will do her first contest.

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