Showdown in Pewter city

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"Do you two really think both of you can win?James may be able to with two grass types but Ash, your whole team is weak to rock and ground types.Don't forget gym leaders aren't your average trainers you know, they're ten times stronger."Misty says eating her food."How about this, if you ask very nicely I'll let you borrow Staryu."Misty says."What kind of trainer would I be if I didn't even use my own Pokémon."Ash replies."Ash is right, it's not exactly smiled upon."James says."Look if it's not on a plate it can wait, so we can talk about this later."Jessie says.Well if you're all that cocky then fine by me I'll be waiting for you to crawl back."Misty says walking out the restaurant.Ash and Jessie notice the bill and yells"Hey you can't leave us with the bill get back here!"Ash and Jessie yell."You sure you're not my kid?"Jessie asks.

"Here's all of you guys Pokémon, Misty already came over to pick up hers."Nurse Joy says handing over the group's Pokémon and the group soon leaves."So this is the Pewter city gym."Ash says."We have an hour until the contest so hurry!"Jessie says pushing the boys in the gym."But what about our gy-"Ash says interrupted."I'll be back I need to train for the contest, have fun!"Jessie says slamming the doors."Hello!"Ash says looking for the gym leader."Is it me you're looking for?"A young man in his early teens says as the lights turn on."Nice reference."James replies."Thanks."He replies."So you must be Brock!"Ash says."I'm Ash from Pallet town and this is James from, where are you from?"Ash whispers."The estate of the Morgan family."James whispers back."The estate of the Morgan family, we're here to challenge you to a battle."Ash says."Is this your first gym battle?"Brock replies."Yeah."James says."Well this is no ordinary battle, there are rules, each of us will use three Pokémon each.If one side runs out of Pokémon you lose.How long have you two owned each Pokémon."Brock asks."I've owned Pikachu for about a week, the others for around the same."Ash says."I've owned Growlie for fourteen years but never trained him much until a week ago, Carnivine for eleven years but never trained him much until a week ago, I've known Meowth for eight years but only caught him a week ago.I caught Koffing eight years ago but he's in the same boat as most of my other Pokémon, and I caught Bellsprout a week ago."James says."Well this will be easy, both of your Pokémon are not trained enough, they can't win."Brock says."Excuse me pebbles for brains, but no one talks to these to like that but me, Jessie, and Misty!"Meowth says loudly jumping off of James shoulder shoulder."Wow a talking Pokémon.This will be interesting."Brock says and snaps which causes all the lights to turn on.Soon a rocky battle field comes out of the wall with James, Meowth, Pikachu, and Ash run trying to keep their ankles from being crushed and barely make it."You could of warned us you know!"Meowth says."What's the fun in that, now let the battle begin, go Geodude!"Brock says."James you can go first."Ash says."Thanks, go Koffing!"James says releasing his ball of toxic gas."Koffing use poison gas!"James says as Koffing releasing his toxic gas."Smart, but status conditions isn't gonna win you ever battle.Geodude use rollout!"Brock says."Koffing use smokescreen to hide!"James says as Koffing disappears into a cloud of smoke."Geodude stay calm, feel the earth to find him."James says.Geodude closes his eyes trying to sense where Koffing is but flinches because of the poison but still is focused.A rock starts to form in his hands."Now!"Brock says and Geodude throws the rock hitting Koffing."You can't hide from a ground type."Brock says smirking."Koffing quick use Gyro ball and smog at the same time!"James says as Koffing rolls up in a white ball with poisonous gas coming out of his fumes and rolls at Geodude hitting him.As the dust clears you see a barely floating Geodude."Now Geodude use smack down!"Brock says but Geodude faints due to poison."Smart, wearing down Geodude with attacks and making me forget about the Poison."Brock says returning Geodude."Thanks, return Koffing you did good."James says and Koffing says his name happily before being returned."Go Ryhorn!"Brock says sending out a rocky armored rhinoceros."Go Bellsprout!"James says sending out his Pokémon."Ryhorn use horn attack!"Brock says."Bellsprout use vine whip to grab Ryhorns horn and get on his back!"James says.Bellsprout wraps green vines from her roots and grabs Ryhorns horn and pulls herself on Ryhorns back."Ryhorn try to get shake it off!"Brock says."Bellsprout hold on and use sleep powder!"James says.Bellsprout holds on tightly and powder comes out of her mouth causing Ryhorn to go to sleep."Now bellsprout lift her up with Vine whip and drop her!"James says."No! Ryhorn!"Brock says."As soon as the dust clears you see an awake Ryhorn."Good job Ryhorn, now use stomp!"Brock says as Ryhorn runs forward."Quick bellsprout use grass knot!"James says.A green root comes out of the ground causing Ryhorn to trip and faint."You're a very smart trainer you know."Brock says returning Ryhorn."But you won't get past my final Pokémon, go Onix!"Brock says releasing his giant rock snake."Return Be-."But before he can return her Bellsprout shakes her head and gets in a battle position."Oh you want to still battle.Ok then.Bellsprout use Acid!"James says and Onix takes the attack."Onix use rock throw!"Brock says.Onix throws a large rock at Bellsprout making her faint."Bellsprout Return.You did a great job."James says."Now go Carnivine!"James yells but when he comes out he starts knawing on his head."Are you ok?"Brock asks."Yeah it's just Carnivine has his own way of showing affection."James says getting Carnivine off and on the battle field."Onix use bind!"Brock says as Onix wraps around Carnivine."Carnivine use bullet seed on Onix's eyes to get yourself loose!"James says.Carnivine soon shoots a barrage of seeds at Onix getting himself free."Onix stay focused and use smack down!"Onix fires a rock to drop on Carnivine mid air hitting him."He wasn't lying when he said Onix is his strongest Pokémon but let's show him.Carnivine use energy ball!"James says.Carnivine launches a green ball of energy at Onix making him faint."James has won the Pokémon battle."The referee says."Great job Carnivine!James says hugging him."As of winning this battle I now give you the Boulder badge."Brock says."Now can you give me five minutes to heal my Pokémon?"Brock says going out the door to the Pokecenter."Man I'm gonna have to wait"Ash says."Well at least you've seen him battle already and the contest is in 45 minutes so you'll be fine."James says.Next time Ash will battle Brock and Jessie will have her first Pokémon performance.

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