A blazing battle

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"Venomoth, use Sludge Bomb!"Janine says as Venomoth fires a poisonous blob of sludge at Butterfree's back pinning him down and gets poisoned."Now Venomoth, use Venoshock!"Janine says.Venomoth summons poisonous darts that are fired at Butterfree who is pinned down."Fire back with Psybeam!"Ash says as a beam of multi colored beam is fired back blasting through a few of the darts hitting Venomoth and butterfree is able to flutter back up."Butterfree, use Electro Web and follow up with Iron slam!"Ash says as Butterfree fires and Electro web and follows up with an Iron Slam but with a poof of air Venomoth disappears and reappears behind him and finishes him off with an Aerial Ace as Butterfree collapses."What?!How did that happen?!"Ash ask surprised."Advanced double team."Janine says grinning as Ash sighs."Might wanna teach Pidgeotto that."Ash mumbles.

"Go, Grimer!"Ash says releasing his Poison type."Grimer, use Mud Bomb!"Ash says firing a blob of mud at Venomoth but misses."Venomoth, use Zen Headbutt!"Janine says diving down head first covering it's head with psychic type energy."Use Minimize!"Ash says as Grimer shrinks in size."Venomoth loop around for another Zen Headbutt!"Janine says as Grimer comes back with another zen Headbutt hitting Grimer away."Venomoth use Psychic!"Janine says as Venomoth's eyes glow and Grimer floats in the air."Grimer blind Venomoth with Mud Bomb!"Ash says as Grimer fires shots of mud at Venomoth's eyes stopping Venomoth from using Psychic."Now, use Sludge Wave!"Ash says and Venomoth faints."That was a dirty trick!"Janine says."Says the one who used double team to get out!"Ash replies.

"Go, Ariados!"Janine says releasing her other bug type."Now, use Smart strike!""Never seen one of those here."Ash thinks."Go, Charmeleon!"Ash says releasing his fire type who gets poisoned who grits his teeth."Sorry Charmeleon but we can still do this!"Ash says as Charmeleon nods."Now, use Fire Pledge!"Ash says as Charmeleon punches the ground as a blast of fire burst out the ground with smoke."Ariados, climb on the wall to dodge!"Janine says as Ariados leaps out the way."Charmeleon, stay in the smoke and keep firing Flamethrower!"Ash says as from the smoke Charmeleon fires flamethrowers at Ariados."Ariados, use Shadow Sneak to get to Charmeleon!"Janine says as Ariados disappears a kick Charmeleon out the smoke as he grits his teeth again due to poison."Get back up Charmeleon, we can still win this!"Ash yells as Charmeleon glows.He grows larger, wing growing out his back, two horns replace his one as as the light fades revealing a five foot four Charizard roaring loudly.

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