A frightful evolution

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"Bye mom!Bye Matis!"Ash says waving goodbye to his mother and(maybe)Step dad.After the Tentacruel incident the group hop on a ferry to Lavender town and they are saying goodbye.Lt.Surge smirks gets in the car and they drive away."So if I'm correct we should be close to you two's fourth gym."Brock says."Well might as well do some training after a great vacation!"Ash says.(Ash's team now is Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Cubone, Charmander, and Squirtle.)Pikachu learns Magnet Rise and is trying to perfect Volt Tackle, Pidgeotto learns U-Turn and is working on running, Butterfree learns Silver Wind, Cubone seems to have a headache so gets a break, Bulbasaur learns Bullet Seed and she's working on Powder Bomb at the lab, Charmander learns Metal Claw and working on his Fire Power, Squirtle learns Bubble Beam and is working on his Aurora Beam, Krabby learns Knock Off and showed up Gary's Krabby who thought it was better just because of size, Growlie learns Flame Burst, Carnivine learns Faint Attack, Meowth learns Feint Attack, Koffing learns Psybeam, Weepinbell learns Bug bite, Magikarp learns Tackle, Ekans learns Cross Poison, Spearow learns Air Cutter, Beedrill learns Toxic Spikes, Goldeen learns Throat Chop, Staryu learns Confuse Ray, Gyarados learns Twister, Oddish learns Hidden Power(Rock), Horsea learns Aurora Beam, Tentacool learns Aurora Beam, Geodude learns Bulldoze, Ryhorn Learns Rock Blast, Onix learns Slam, and Zubat learns Aerial Ace.

"Now that that's over with we can explore the to- wait where's Cubone?"Ash asks and they see Cubone go inside some sort of tower."There he is, Cubone where you going?"Brock asks and Cubone is climbing up the Mtower."This is messing up my schedule."Jessie says sadly and the group run after Cubone."Hold it!"A middle age women says."I'm sorry but my friend's Pokémon wandered into this tower and we need need to get him back."James says."It's not safe up there, you see this is the resting tower where people can honor the dead but there's been a unhappy spirit.The ghost of the lavender, every year she comes out angry because this is the day her husband a soldier left her to fight in a war and never returned.It's not advised to go up there."She says."We aren't scared of no ghost!"Ash says running up the tower and the group follow."We almost went a whole day without a single reference!"Meowth says hanging on to James's shoulder."I warned them."The spirit and starts to morph into what seems to be a purple ghost with a smile on it's face who floats away.

"Maybe we should go back, Cubone can take care of himself.Ah!"Misty says and a loud crash comes from upstairs."That must be Cubone!"Brock says."He might be in trouble!"Ash says."Why does it feel like a lazy writer is trying to give us something to say so the readers don't forget about us?"Meowth asks James and Jessie."I know right?"Jessie says."I'm not even gonna comment on that one."A voice says."Now isn't a time to break the fourth wall!"Brock says running up the stairs.

"I don't care if you think I'm being unreasonable you little pest!Get out of the way or join in on the punishment men deserve!And I'll make sure to give you some extra!"Says what everyone assumes as the ghost of Lavender."Cubone!Cubone!"Cubone says trying to calm down the spirit."Well it seems like we have guest."The ghost of Lavender says."Don't talk to Cubone like that you old hag!"Ash says and his eyes start to glow blue and his fist start to glow a light blue."It's happening again!"Misty says."How dare you talk to me like that!This will teach you a lesson!"She says and teal fire starts to form in her hands."Ash!"The group say afraid this might be the last time they see their friend."Cubone!"Cubone says getting his bone in the way and starts to glow."He's evolving!"James says.The used to be Cubone's body changed to purple and black with a black mark on the skull.Ash takes out his Pokédex.Marowak, the bone keeper Pokémon, this Pokémon is sometimes used to help vengeful spirits move on in the after life.Note:This Pokémon is the Alolan form of the   Marowak.These either means it was born in Alola or evolved in Alola.Due to the evolution this Pokémon is now fire and Ghost type.This Pokémon has also learned Shadow Bone.The now known as Marowak's bone catches on fire and he starts to spin it and smacks the Ghost of lavender with the bone."How dare you!"the ghost of Lavender says but a purple ghost comes out in front of her."Master!Master!Please calm down! I have some news for you!It turns out your true love was in the afterlife all this time.He's been waiting for you!"The ghost says."Oh my what have I done! I've put a curse on this whole town!Time to fix that!"She says and a blue aura surrounds her and light blue waves of energy release going through the walls presumably to cure the curse."I'm sorry for what I did.Can I have one favor?Your Marowak can help me move on to the afterlife with Gengar if he wants."The ghost of Lavender says."It would be my pleasure master."Gengar says."The ghost of lavender holds Marowak's hand glows white and the ghost of lavender along with Gengar disappear.

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