A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)

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"Grr!"Jessie says dropping to the ground.The training from Lt.Surge was more than they expected.They were told to do one hundred twenty push- ups and Misty asked if he was joking and Lt.Surge shook his head.Misty was the first to fall doing forty-two push-ups.Brock was next doing fifty-five push-ups.James was next doing seventy.Jessie was next doing ninety-two.They expected Ash to fall quickly after but he kept going getting to one hundred thirty.Lt.Surge is clapping saying that he actually beat Visquez record being one hundred twenty-five."I'm impressed I wonder how well your Pokémon are doing."Lt.Surge says.

                                                             Pokespeech on.

"It's come to my attention that we might need to do some work on some of your strengths and weaknesses.You two are gonna work on your electric type moves with Luxray."Raichu says pointing and Koffing and Meowth."Pikachu and Junior are working with me.The others are gonna work with Electrode, Electivire, Manetric, and Magnezone."Raichu says pointing at Pikachu and Visquez's Raichu.The other Pokémon go with Lt.Surge's Pokémon doing training exercises."So I'm gonna teach you boys Volt Tackle.It's a move passed down through the Chu line and I think you boys can learn it.Junior because you evolved early means you missed out on learning the quicker moves like Quick Attack and Pikachu can help with that.Pikachu you're strong but Junior could help you with the power.Those two things are what you need to have to learn Volt Tackle."Raichu says."Fine."Raichu says still mad Pikachu won."Good."Raichu says.

With Meowth, Koffing, and Luxray.

"So you to are trying to learns ThunderBolt are you."Luxray says."Yeah."Koffing and Meowth say together."Show me your strongest Thunderbolt."Luxray says and Meowth and Koffing do what seems to be a less concentrated Discharge."So how was dat?"Meowth asks."I see the problem.Electric type attacks are hard to learn versus other moves because it's hard to control unless you're naturally a electric type.Try to focus on the energy within you going state ahead of you."Luxray says and uses a perfect Thunderbolt."Now you try."Luxray says."Ok then."Koffing says.

                                                             Pokespeech off                                                      

After a long week the group finally finishing learning there moves and getting stronger with the trainers getting stronger to."You guys did well I must say.Most people can't even get past the first training exercise.And kid you said your name was Ketchum right."Lt.Surge says."Yeah and don't forget it!"Ash says and Lt.Surge chuckles."I used to know your mom from school, used to have a crush on her."Lt.Surge says."I think we should go get lunch right."Brock says."Yeah we'll be right back."Meowth adds in and the group besides Ash scrams."Well you should tell her!"Ash says."Well hasn't she moved on, haven't seen her since I joined the war against Team Rocket."Lt.Surge says."Well...my dad left us soon after I was born."Ash mumbles.Surge's hands turns to fist."If I ever see that little....!"Lt.Surge starts to say."Hey it's all in the past.Here you can call my Pokédex and tell me how it goes.She still lives in Pallet town three houses left of Professor Oaks lab."Ash says."Thanks kid, here share these with your friends they're tickets for the SS.Anne.Supposed to be a second reward for beating Visquez.Maybe get yourself a new phone."Lt.Surge says and they both chuckle."See you later!"Ash says walking towards where his friends went.He explains what happened and they happily Walt towards the S.S Anne dock and remember to get Jessie and James's Pokédex.They get to the cruise and it turns out you're aloud  to have at the most twelve Pokémon with you.This of course made Ash even more glad to get the tickets."They get on the ship and find out that they have a Pokémon tournament that Ash signs up for but James is tired.Ash wins his first battles and gets to his final battle."Go Butterfree!"Ash says."Go Raticate!"The man says.Find out next time what happ- what they know what happens because the original Pokémon anime is on Netflix?Well might as well say Ash's love interest.(Do not own or am sponsored by Netflix)

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