Show down in Pewter City part two

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"Now that Gym leader Brock's Pokémon are healed let the battle begin!"The referee says."Go Geodude!"Brock says."Go Pidgey!"Ash says."You gotta be kidding me, Geodude finish it quickly with Rock throw."Broc says lazily."Pidgey show him to never underestimate us and use quick attack to dodge!"Ash says as Pidgey quickly gets out of the way."Geodude use rock throw rapid fire!"Brock says as Geodude quickly forms and throws rocks."Pidgey use steel wing and quick attack at the same time on those rocks and make it to Geodude!"Ash says.Pidgey swiftly intercepts the rocks with her wings and hits Geodude."Geodude while it's up close use roll out!"Brock says and Geodude rolls at Pidgey hitting her."Pidgey are you ok?!"Ash asks worriedly.Pidgey nods her head and gets back up."Great, now Pidgey use Aerial ace and steel wing at the same time!"Ash says.Pidgey starts off by hitting Geodude with her beak and does an aerial back flip and comes back with hitting him with her wings but Geodude still floating."That attack should of made him faint!"Ash says says surprised."Well you didn't know his ability is sturdy allowing him to not faint from any attack he was supposed to faint to, now Geodude use smack down!"Brock says.Pidgey soon gets knocked out of the sky but pushes herself back up."Just because we can't fly doesn't mean we can't win, now Pidgey use quick attack!"Ash says.Pidgey runs at Geodude headbutting him causing him to faint."I must says I expected I'd to one shot you but don't think you're getting passed Ryhorn.Brock says releasing his Pokemon."Pidgey return."Ash says but Pidgey shakes her head wanting to stay in battle."Before it can react use bulldoze!"Brock says and Ryhorn stomps his feet making a shock wave causing Pidgey to faint.Ash returns Pidgey to her Pokeball and tells her she did a great job."Go butterfree!"Ash says releasing the Pokémon."I know you just beat me with a flying type but using a flying and bug type is pushing your luck?"Brock says."Maybe, now let's get this battle back on track back on!"Ash says.Brock smirks"Alright, Ryhorn use Horn attack but try to zig zag just in case!"Brock says.Butterfree gets hit but Ash has a plan."Butterfree use Thunder Iron Rocket in between those rocks!"Ash says.Even without his hard shell Butterfree had as a Metapod Butterfree still had Iron defense and the attack went Perfectly.Ryhorn barely pushes herself up and is trying to look like she didn't take any damage but it actually almost one shotted her."We're going down fighting, Ryhorn use smack down!"Brock says.Butterfree gets knocked out of the air and gets back up."Butterfree finish her off with confusion!"Ash says and Butterfree psychically throws Ryhorn at the wall making her faint."Great job Butterfree return."Ash says returning his Pokémon."Let's go Onix!"Brock says releasing his giant rock snake."Go Pikachu!"Ash says."Onix don't underestimate them, use rock tomb!"Brock says.Onix traps Pikachu in a pile of boulders and Pikachu takes a bit of damage in the process."Pikachu use Iron tail on those boulders back at Onix!"Ash says.Pikachu uses Iron tail rapidly on the boulders sending them at Onix."Onix use bind on Pikachu!"Brock says and Onix tries to wrap around Onix."Not gonna happen, Pikachu use electro web to launch yourself out of the way and use iron tail!"Ash says.Pikachu uses electro web as a trampoline to jump out of the way and comes barreling down on Onix's head with iron tail."Onix grab it with bind!"Brock says and this time Onix grabs him.Ash is running out of ideas and he might lose.Pikachu's only projectile attack are electric type moves.The only body part Pikachu has that's not being squeezed is his tail.....Ash thinks and Ash has an idea."Pikachu use Iron tail and prepare an electro web!"Ash says."Pikachu swings his tail backwards making Onix squeeze less."Now  use quick attack to get out and use electro web in between those rocks!"Ash says and Pikachu understands what to do.Pikachu leaps out of Onix's squeeze and sends electro web in between the same rocks butterfree used his electro web on."Now use Iron tail!"Ash says and Pikachu is sent flying back at Onix with his tail coated in iron and electricity."Onix try to dodge it!"Brock says but it's no use.Onix collapses on the ground fainted."As proof of your successful victory I gift you the boulder badge."Brock says."Alright I got the Boulder badge!"Ash says proudly."Come on, if we're even a minute late Jessie will be as mad as a Kangaskhan with a stolen baby Meowth says walking out of the gym.James and Ash say goodbye  to Brock and go to the Pokémon center before they go to the Pokémon contest.As soon as they get there they hear the announcer says that it's Jessie's turn.

                                                                  Jessie POV 

"Alright let's do this!"I say releasing two of my Pokémon Ekans and Kakuna."Kakuna start this off with electro web, Ekans use Poison sting on the electro web!"I say creating a purple and yellow firework just as I hoped.I do a little twirl and get back to to the where I left off."Now Ekans use wrap on Kakuna and send him spinning!Kakuna use Thunder iron Rocket in between those polls!"I say and it works out perfectly!Ekans spins Kakuna at the polls and he creates an electric web in between the polls also forming iron defense around him.He shoots over Jessie and Ekans head leaving behind a powder of electricity and somehow sticks the landing.Me and Ekans take a bow to which the audience claps and giggles seeing Kakuna fall over trying to copy us.

Jessie makes it on to the next round and next time she'll be doing the battle round of the contest.

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