Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1

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In Viridian Forest Ash, Misty,Jessie, James and Meowth are traveling hoping to find there way through.  "And that's how I learned to-"Meowth starts to say."Aaah!"Misty screams terrified."What's the matter?"Ash ask."Why did we bring her again?"Meowth ask sarcastically."We'll ask Ash later."Jessie says."Wow a Caterpie, they're bug Pokémon right?"Ash says."Wow how did you know?"Jessie ask sarcastically." You guys are very sarcastic for some ex villains."Ash says."You should try sleeping when Meowth's bored."James says."Stop talking and get rid of it!, even if it's a Pokémon it's still a nasty bug!"Misty screams terrified."Alright time for me to catch a new Pokémon!, can I have this one?"Ash ask Jessie and James."Sure but we get the next ones."Jessie replies.Ash calls out to Caterpie."Hey do you want to go on a Pokémon journey with me?"Ash ask.Caterpie nods his head and Ash taps his Pokeball on his head."I didn't think it would be that easy but I'll take it!"Ash says."Welcome to the team Caterpie!"Ash says."Are you's gonna do that with every Pokémon you catch?"Meowth ask."There's nothing wrong with welcoming a new Pokémon to the team."Well keep that bug in that Pokeball and everything will be fine."Misty says."But I like bugs and I hope Caterpie's comfy in the Pokeball."Ash says."Do you's think all Pokémon want to stay in dey're Pokeballs and just follow commands!"Meowth ask angrily."Well I guess it takes a worm to love a worm, but I don't think all Pokémon have to do that just the bug ones."Misty says."You don't have to be so mean to Caterpie Misty, but how about I show you that bug types are just as good as any other Pokemon.Come on out Caterpie!"Ash says.Misty runs behind a tree while Caterpie looks at her confused."Rurr?Caterpie says confused."There's nothing to be afraid of, her Caterpie hop on."Ash says lowering himself to the ground.Caterpie is about to hop on but sees Misty and crawls over to say hello.Caterpie starts rubbing his head on her ankle."Wow Misty Caterpie really likes you."Ash says."Get that nasty thing away from me!"Misty screams crawling backwards away from the small Pokémon."Hey there's nothing wrong with Caterpie I'll show you."Ash says pulling out his Pokédex to scan Caterpie.Caterpie the worm Pokémon, For protection it releases a horrible stench from the antenna on it's head to drive away enemies.It's ability is Shield dust.This Caterpie is Male and knows string shot and tackle."Yeah a stinky bug is fine."Misty says sarcastically."Jessie are we gonna do anything about this?"James asked."I'm gonna sit back and watch, I'll step in when someone loses a finger."Jessie says."My money's on Ash.Meowth says."Mines on Misty"Jessie replies.James sighs and sits down on the log his friends are sitting on.Caterpie starts to feel sad as the other Pokémon try to comfort him."How about this, I'll be friends with Pikachu and you be friends with that slimy worm."Misty says."Pikachu knows it's not nice to be mean to a Pokémon just because of their type."Ash says.Pikachu crawls up Ash's shoulder with Pidgey waving at him with her wing."Pikachu I thought you liked me."Misty says.Pikachu waves his hand in a way that means maybe, maybe not.Caterpie starts to cry and walks past Misty."It's so gross, Ash put that slimy thing in the Pokeball, bugs are one of the most 3 disgusting things in the world!"Misty screams."Aside from you what are the other disgusting things?"Ash ask sarcastically."I'll be taking those five dollars."Meowth says.Jessie hands over the money and Meowth puts it in his pouch in James bag that he has for each of his Pokémon."Well there's carrots, peppers, and bugs!Everyone has something they don't like and I don't like bugs!Misty says."Yeah well I like carrots, Peppers, and bugs, but what I don't like is the way you're hurting Caterpie's feelings with your silly fear of bugs!"Ash replies.Misty turns her head around not wanting to look at Ash."I don't think you're ugly or disgusting at all Caterpie, come on climb up my my other shoulder with these two, you're not gonna scare Misty any more."Ash says."What do you mean by not scaring me anymore?"Misty asked confused."We'll go without her"Ash says.The trio shrug and walk to Ash's side."Oh yeah I'll show you guys."Misty says."I must say that  was pretty funny how you roasted Misty."James says."Thanks" Ash replies."Pika?"Pikachu says seeing Misty following."What's up Pikachu?"Ash asks.Ash sees Misty try to hide but Ash asks why she's following them."My bike!I'm holding you responsible for my bike!"Misty replies."When are you gonna forget about that dumb bike!"Ash asks sarcastically."For you information Mr.Pokemon master, you're the dumb one, because if it weren't for you destroying it I could of rode out of it by now!"Misty replies."I told you I'd try to pay you back one day and if I'm so dumb then why are you following me?!"Ash replies."I'm not following you, this happens to be the fastest way through the forest!"Misty replies."Fine do whatever you want!"Ash replies."You know I wish that took longer because we'd at least have some entertainment."Jessie says.Soon Jessie finds a Spearow who knows Ash's Pidgey.It turns out Spearow used to take care of Pidgey and the reason Pidgey got attacked was because the spearow flock found her.Spearow decides to join Jessie to travel with Pidgey and go on an adventure.Jessie borrows Ash's Pokédex to see her move set.Spearow the tiny bird Pokémon, it's reckless nature leads it to stand up to others even larger Pokémon if it has to protect it's territory.This Spearow is female and knows growl, peck, and leer.James soon also finds a Pokémon being a Bellsprout looking for food to which James gives some bread.She soon decides to join James out of gratitude.James also borrows Ash's Pokédex to see Bellsprouts moveset.Bellsprout the flower Pokémon.It plants it's feet deep underground to replenish water.It can't escape it's enemy while it's rooted.This Bellsprout is female and knows vine whip and growth.While walking Ash drops his bag on the floor an puts his Pokémon down."What are you doing?"Misty ask getting ready to train the next City has a gym so we need to train."Ash says."Well I think it's a rock type gym and they're weak to I think water, grass, steel, ground, and fighting types.I think I'm ok with two grass types but your team is all weak to rock types besides Pikachu but from what I know most rock types from Kanto are part ground type that are super effective to electric types.Ash checks his Pokédex."Well my team can learn some super effective moves besides Caterpie until he evolves into a Butterfree."Ash says.To this Caterpie lowers his head feeling sad."Well Caterpie it's ok I think you can try to learn bug bite."Ash says trying to cheer up Caterpie.Jessie, James and Ash search the Pokédex for what moves they should teach their Pokémon being Pikachu learning iron tail, Pidgey learning steel wing, Caterpie learning bug bite, Growlie learning double kick, Carnavine learning bite, Meowth learning metal claw, Koffing learning smokescreen, Bellsprout learning wrap, spearow learning steel wing, and Ekans learning acid.They ask Misty if she wants to train with them and Misty says she trains her Pokémon by herself.They soon get to work.Pikachu, Pidgey and Meowth are working together to learn Iron tail, steel wing, and metal claw.Pikachu gets it down first and is helping Pidgey, Spearow, and Meowth learn their steel type moves.Caterpie and Carnivine learn bug bite and bite easily by chewing on and breaking branches.Carnavine is next told by James to try to learn vine whip from bellsprout and Ash tells Caterpie he can try to learn electro web which Caterpie learns and being frustrated he can't learn anything else he evolves into a Metapod and is learning Iron defense.Growlie is learning double kick by trying to break rocks by kicking them and he soon learns double kick and is now learning odor sleuth.Koffing and Ekans are learning smokescreen and acid.Koffing soon get's his move down while Ekans was having some trouble learning her move but gets it down and is learning dig.Koffing is now learning gyro ball.Bellsprout quickly learns wrap and is helping Carnivine learn vine whip and is now learning acid from Ekans.After they're done training they're ready to go to sleep and Misty is surprised Caterpie evolved, but is still afraid of him.While the trainers sleep, the Pokémon are awake having a small conversation while looking at the stars.

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