The end of a way to long tournament

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"Nidorino!"Gary says surprised his poison type was almost easily defeated."You see I had Nidorina use Double Team letting us land that Iron Tail."She says patting Nidorina on the head avoiding the poisonous barbs as Nidorina growls proudly."You don't have to rub it in."Gary says mumbling returning Nidorino."Well I just tried to explain it to my little brother."Daisy says matter a factly."Wartortle wrap this up!"Gary says releasing the turtle like Pokémon."Quick, use Rapid Spin!"Ash says as Wartortle retracts himself in his shell trying to slam into Nidorina."Nidorina, grab em!"Daisy says Nidorina grabs Wartortle staggering backwards."Nidorina, use Cross Poison in Wartortle's Shell!"Daisy says.Nidorina fires the attack blasting away Wartortle.When he pops back out Wartortle's forehead is glowing purple."Shoot Wartortle's poisoned.Well that won't stop me, use Aqua Tail!"Gary says as Wartortle dashes forward as his tail gets covered in water."Nidorina, block it with Iron Tail!"Daisy says and the two attacks collide but Wartortle gets the upper hand.But sadly for Gary and his Wartortle the water type flinches due to poison and Nidorina sends Wartortle blasting away."Wartortle, use Dig!"Gary says as Wartortle dives into the   ground burrowing in."Nidorina use dig as well!"Daisy says as Nidorina does the same.Gary quickly whispers something down the burrow quickly.


Wartortle swipes at one side of the earth.Remembering what his trainer said as he sees him looking at what looks to be Nidorina he quickly diverts to the left and swipes to the right seeing Nidorina he uppercuts her with ground type energy out of the hole.

Nidorina flies out fainted as Wartortle pops out as well."Return!"Daisy says returning the poison type."That Nidorina is pretty strong but was no match for my Wartortle!"Gary says cockily."Even though she pummeled Nidorino and almost beat Wartortle?"Daisy says.Speaking of Wartortle he falls to one knee flinching.A blue aura surrounds him as his ability activates."Well let's no give em a minute to rest, go Ivysaur!"Daisy says releasing the partially poison type.

"Ivysaur, use Venoshock!"Daisy says as Ivysaur releases multiple purple globs from his flower at Wartortle."Dodge it!"Gary says as Wartortle leaps out of the way."Wartortle, use scald!"Gary says.Wartortle fires a strong stream of water at his sister's Pokémon hitting.The attack does some pretty good damage due to S.T.A.B and Torrent.The grass and poison type starts to glow red with the heat."Yes!Ivysaur's burned!Looks like I might win."Gary says cockily.But sadly for him Wartortle flinches once more as he fall to the ground fainted."Looks like it's running out little bro."Daisy says."Grrr."Gary says."Go, Eevee!"Gary says releasing the normal type."Now, use Quick Attack!"Gary says as the fox like Pokémon runs straight into the grass type pushing him a few feet away."Ivysaur, use Vine Whip to grab Eevee and use Seed Bomb!"Daisy says as Ivysaur grabs Eevee with his vines and fires a large seed glowing with orange energy blasting Eevee away."Eevee, use Shadow Ball!"Gary says as a ball of ghostly energy forms at Eevee's tail firing it at Ivysaur creating and explosion."Ivysaur, use Energy Ball!"Daisy says as a ball of energy forms at Ivysaur's flower firing it at Eevee creating another explosion as the normal type falls to the ground."Eevee, use Iron Tail!"Gary says as Eevee gets back up as his tail glows metallically and swings it at Ivysaur's head hitting."Ivysaur, use Grass Pledge!"Daisy says as Ivysaur stomps the ground creating an eruption of large vines hitting Eevee causing him to faint.Gary falls to his knees.He always thought he would be the strongest of the new Pallet town trainers but he was almost easily defeated by his sister."It's ok little bro."Daisy says extending her hand but Gary slaps it away.

"Ok since there's three of you were gonna have a free for all.Each of you use one Pokémon."The owner of the dojo says."I say we use our starters.See how far we all of come."A.J says and they all agree. 

"Ready, set go!"The referee says and they all command their Pokémon."Pikachu, use Quick Attack into both of them!"Ash says as Pikachu runs into both Pokémon."Ivysaur, use Venoshock on Pikachu!"Daisy says and Ivysaur fires the blobs of sludge at the mouse like Pokémon."Sandslash, use Rockslide on Pikachu to!"A.J says white balls of energy forms turning into rocks and Sandslash fires them at Pikachu."Pikachu, use Iron Tail to send em back at em!"Ash says.Pikachu's tail glows with some familiar steel energy and swings it at the attacks hitting some of them back at his opponents besides two who hit him blasting him down to the ground."Sandslash, use Magnitude!"A.J says as Sandslash stomps on the ground as the earth shakes."Pikachu, use Magnet Rise!"Ash says and Pikachu's barely able get on his tail before the pieces of earth starts to move about only hitting Ivysaur."Ivysaur, use Energy Ball on Sandslash!"Daisy says and her starter fires a ball of energy at the hedgehog like Pokémon."Sandslash, use Crush Claw to break it!"A.J says.The pure ground type's claw glows red and slashes right through the grass type energy."Pikachu, use Electro Web on Ivysaur!"Ash says and Pikachu fires an electrical web at Ivysaur trapping him."Sandslash, use Dig!"A.J says burrowing into the ground coming back out drilling his claws into the grass type getting him out of the net."Ivysaur, use Venoshock on Pikachu!"Daisy says and he fires the poisonous blobs at Pikachu and they hit."Pikachu, use Quick Attack on Sandslash!"Ash says as Pikachu runs into his target."Sandslash, use Crush Claw!"A.J says and he tries to slash at Pikachu."Pikachu, block it with Iron Tail!"Ash says and the claws clash with Pikachu's metallic energy blocking the attack the to physical attacks keep on colliding."Ivysaur, use Seed Bomb!"Daisy says and while the two other Pokémon are fighting Ivysaur fires the large exploding exploding in the twos face."Sandslash, use Rollout!"A.J says and Sandslash curls into a ball rolling quickly towards Ivysaur."Ivysaur, stop em with your Vine Whips!"Daisy says and Ivysaur is keeping Ivysaur at bay with her Vines."Pikachu, use Iron Tail to slam Sandslash into Ivysaur!"Ash says and Pikachu slams his metallic tail into Sandslash overpowering Ivysaur's vines slamming Sandslash into Ivysaur knocking them back leading Ivysaur to faint."Ivysaur, return!"Daisy says returning Ivysaur."That Ivysaur of yours sure is strong."A.J says."Yeah it took Pikachu and Sandslash to beat em!"Ash says."Thanks but you two still have to battle."Daisy says."Don't think I forgot, Pikachu use Iron Tail!"Ash says and Pikachu goes for the attack."Sandslash, use Crush Claw!"A.J says and the attacks collide until Sandslash gets the upper hand slashing at Pikachu sending him flying away causing him to faint.

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