"Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione frowned. 

"Who are you going with?" Harry asked. 

"It's a surprise." Hermione sheepishly answered,"Why don't you and Stella go together? It looks like you two enjoy each other's company a lot." 

Stella bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling while Hermione smirked at the two of her friends. 

"Don't think that you two succeeded in everything going on between you two." Hermione chuckled as Stella and Harry's jaw dropped in shock. 

"How do you..." Harry trailed off. 

"I have been your friend since the start Harry. I know you more than you know about yourself." Hermione said with a proud smile on her face,"So?" 

"We can't go together." Harry sighed,sadly. 

"Why?" Hermione frowned. 

"Because if Pansy finds out that I went to the party with Harry as my date, she won't spare a minute to inform father." Stella explained, a grumpy expression on her face,"And father will kill me. Long story short we can't go together." 

"We really need to find you a date now." Hermione let out a tired sigh. 

"you can't just take anyone."Hermione continued,"See that girl over there?" Hermione asked, moving a little sideways to reveal a girl having curly black hair who smiled when she saw Harry,"That's Romilda Vane. Apparently, she's trying to smuggle you a love potion."

"Bitch." Stella angrily muttered under her breath while Harry laughed at how possessive she got.
"Really?" Harry asked, turning around and stated at Romilda Vane. 

Hermione snapped her fingers,"Hey, she's only interested in you because she thinks you're the choosen one."

"But I'm the choosen one."Harry boasted with a stupid smile on his face. Smack! Hermione hit on his hand with a paper roll."Okay sorry. Um kidding."

"I'll ask someone i like."Harry assured," Someone cool."

"But don't you dare go with her." Stella warned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Jealous much?" Harry teased, earning a smack from Stella on his head.

"God damn ella!" Harry groaned,"That hurts."

"What did you just call me?" Stella asked while Hermione laughed at how cute the two looked.

"Ella?" Harry repeated, a little confused.

"Only Daphne and Draco have the right to call me that." Stella smirked,"Find a new nickname."

"What about sweetheart?"

"Ew, that's so cheesy." Stella complained, throwing a nasty glare at Harry while Hermione laughed out loud causing the students to turn around and look at her,"Stop it."

"Fine." Harry faked a tear.

"Who are you going with, Stella?" Hermione asked out of nowhere. 

"No one." Stella shrugged,"And I'm enough to go alone. I don't need anybody else." 

"Woah." Harry and Hermione laughed as Stella flipped her hair. 


Stella smiled at her reflection in the mirror while Daphne was doing Stella's hair. 

"You're so pretty Ella!" Daphne shrieked causing Stella to chuckle at how excited her best friend looked. 

"It's sad that you're not going with Harry though." Daphne whispered so that only Stella could hear as Pansy was sitting on her bed, watching the two girls. 

"It's fine." Stella muttered, putting up a smile and straightened her dark green dress which reached upto her thighs. 

"Have fun." Daphne smiled. 

"Take care." Pansy spoke up after months of not talking with Stella, taking the two girls by surprise,"And you look pretty." 

"Thank you." Stella awkwardly smiled before making her way out. Silently, she made her way towards the Slughorn's office when she saw Harry and Luna walking in front of her. 

"Hey." Stella called causing the Gryffindor and the Ravenclaw to turn around. 

"Els." Luna smiled as Stella made her way over to them. 

"You look so beautiful." Stella complimented, checking Luna's dress. 

"Same for you." Luna smiled while Harry was staring at the slytherin in front of her. 

"You look stunning." Harry pushed the words out as Stella smiled at him. 

"You look dashing." She complimented back as the trio continued their journey. 

"Nice date." Stella winked as Harry smiled at her. 

"Ah welcome you three." Professor Slughorn chortle, holding up his drink as he welcomed them,"Enjoy." 

Stella met up with Hermione who was dressed in a peach coloured short dress.

"Can I know who your date is?" Stella asked, tapping Hermione on her shoulder. 

"Oh Stella." Hermione breathed out in relied,"I came with Mclaggen." 

"Mclaggen?" Stella repeated in disbelief, remembering the weird, odd looks he were giving Hermione when they had the first slug meeting. 

"I thought Ron would be jealous."She replied, annoyed by hiding away from him.
"Oh here he comes." Hermione groaned, running away and hid behind the curtains. 

Stella's eyes met with Harry who has been staring at the girl since the moment he stepped inside. She smiled at her as Harry made his way behind the curtains where Hermione was hiding.

 Few minutes into the party and Stella was enjoying herself by talking with Luna when she saw Snape talking with Harry. 

"Take your hands off me, you filthy squib." Draco's voice ranged in the whole room, throwing Stella off guard. 

Stella's dropped when she saw Draco being dragged by Filch. Draco's eyes fixed with the parkinson girl who looked surprised and most importantly, hurt. 

"Professor Slughorn sir."Filch said," I've just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor."
"He claims to have been invited to your party."Filch added. 

"Okay okay."Draco spat,"I was gate-crashing. Happy?"

"I'll escort him out." Snape said, walking over to Draco and Filch. Draco shoved Filch's hands away from him before glaring at Snape. 

"Certainly..... Professor."Draco said, without even glancing at Stella again and followed Professor Snape. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Stella saw Harry slipping outside of the office. Debating with her subconscious mind, Stella decided to follow Harry. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked when she saw Harry pressing his back to a wall. 

"Shh." Harry shushed, keeping his hand on Stella's mouth.

"Maybe i did hex that Bell girl." Stella heard Draco as her eyes widened in fear,"Maybe i didn't. What's it to you?" 

Stella stood behind Harry and peeped to find Professor Snape pushing Draco in the wall and snarled,"I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow-"

"I don't need protection. I was chosen for this! Out of all others, Me! And i wont fail him." Draco replied. 

Stella could feel her heart shattering in million pieces. Tears clogged her eyes but she dared not to let them down. 

"You're afraid, Draco."Professor Snape said,"you attempt to conceal it. But it's obvious. Let me assist you-"

"No."Draco denied, cutting him off," I was choosen! This is my moment.

When they left, Stella turned to Harry who was in a deep thought. 

"Why?" Stella whispered to herself as a tear escaped her eyes. Harry's heart wrenched when she saw the girl crying. 

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