Chapter 22: I Trusted You!

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I felt the tears rise and I looked down for a minute, gathering all of my resolve. I looked up again and stared him right in the eye.

"You know what? I trusted you!" I jabbed my finger in his chest and he recoiled.

"I trusted you and you broke my trust. I trusted you to keep the secret. I trusted you enough to tell you everything. I trusted you to keep my trust. I trusted you." I told him and he flinched as my voice broke in the end. I looked away from him and at everyone else in the room.

"And you wonder why I never trust. You know what? I can't do this. I'm done." I scoffed and shoved past Aiden but paused at the door, not looking back.

"Oh, and if you are still curious? Go ahead and hack into the file. Don't say that I didn't warn you. Get ready to have the Serpents on your back." I informed them before leaving everyone else in the room. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Andre and Liam exchange a glance as they followed me. I stalked into my room and grabbed the suitcase and the duffel bag in the closet and began pulling all my clothes from the closet and throwing them into the bags. I saw hands taking the clothes from me and take both my hands in theirs. That was when I noticed that I was shaking. I looked up into the familiar green eyes and a few tears escaped. He didn't say a word but pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried.

"It's my fault he's gone, Lee! All. My Fault." I sobbed and he drew back to look into my eyes.

"No. It is not your fault. If anything it's the Serpents' fault. If Log was here right now, he would slap you upside the head for even thinking that. Especially since you didn't escape from the accident unscathed. I know about the headaches and the fainting spells." He told me sternly and my eyes dropped to the ground. His finger tilted up my face and he smiled his loving smile at me.

"Chin up, my love. Don't let them get to you. Let the world remember that Alexis Maria Garcia is a force to be reckoned with." He reminded me and I drew myself up. He was right. And there was only one way to protect everyone.

I had to hide. Leave them behind. But how could I? I looked past him to see my twin sitting on the desk chair in my room, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the ground. He looked up and I saw the tears well up in his eyes. I let go of Liam and grasped my other half in a hug. Though we had not really known each other for almost our whole life, we still had the same bond that most twins do. We were two parts of a whole. I drew back and he nodded at me, knowing what I had to do.

"Don't be a stranger, Lexi." He reminded me and I smiled softly.

"I won't. Just don't tell anyone that you know where I am." I told him and he smiled. The boys then helped me pack as I grabbed each and every thing that I knew didn't have a tracker in it. I had to, sadly, leave behind my phone because I knew that Dad must have put a tracker in it when he took it last week. I shouldered my bag and looked around at the room I had called mine for the last few weeks before nodding at Liam and Andre who followed me out of the door. They both put their arms around me and led me through the house.

I got into my car and peeled out of the driveway with Liam tailing me in his car. Andre waved as we pulled out and just before we left the property, I saw Aiden and the rest of my family stumbled out. I just smirked and left them behind.

I don't care if they share blood with me. They are just an ugly reminder of the fact that I trusted the wrong people.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

And I wasn't going to be fooled twice.

I drove for a good hour before I reached my destination. It was one of the penthouses that Aiden had no idea I owned. They were purchased for this very reason. So that I had somewhere to go to in the event that I couldn't trust my brother, however unlikely the situation. It still stung just thinking about it. I already had a hard time trusting people because of my 'mother' and him. I didn't think that one day my brother would be the one to break it. I thought that especially after Miles, he would never do that to me. I shook off these thoughts as I entered the parking that was reserved for me. I got out and my suitcase and duffel bag and started rolling it inside. The thing about high society is pretending that you belong. I had already dressed the part in a white bardot dress that was cinched at the waist with a white thick ribbon like cloth. With sunglasses perched on my nose, I looked exactly like a just of age heiress would look like. I walked into the lobby and found my secretary waiting for me. The rest of the people in the lobby turned to stare at me, judging me but I kept my chin up. My secretary, Olivia, handed me the keys and I thanked her with a smile before walking over to the lift and pressing the button for the top floor. The doors closed with a pleasant ding and thankfully there was no easy listening music.

I bit my lip as I contemplated on what to do. I couldn't go back to school. Especially if they had actually paid no heed to my warning and hacked into my file.

The doors opened and I walked into the Penthouse and flopped onto the couch, pulling my laptop towards me. I pulled myself out of school and then told my secretary to start scheduling the meetings that I had been putting off because my family didn't know about Maria. But I knew that that was where I would be safest because not even Aiden is allowed in the company building. She also set up a few bodyguards for me so that I would never be alone so that they could not ambush me. 

I shot off a message to Andre and Liam that I had reached and I was fine.

I sat back and thought about my next move. This was going to be really, really hard.

Huh. I actually did not expect that either. Or maybe I did who knows. Also, sorry for any and all mistakes. I'm just really tired.

All right everyone. This is going to be one long ass A/N, cause i need to rant. You are free to skip this tho.

Let me start at the beginning.

So, I live in India where you give two major exams called Board Exams in 10th and 12th grade. They decide your admission. I scored around 96% in the 10th grade Boards and I had decided that since I like Math and Science, I was going to take up Engineering as a career goal.

After 10th, the students are divided into streams which are namely: Science, Commerce and Arts. I chose Science.

After your 12th grade Boards, we are required to give an exam called IIT-JEE, to get admission in Engineering colleges. And to prepare for these, there are these special tuition that helps you prepare for the shit. And I joined one of the respectable institutions. For JEE, the portion for the test is college level courses when we have two years left but who's counting, right?

Now, the classes started 14 days after our Boards ended abruptly due to the pandemic. But we didn't complain. We had 7 hour classes daily which is basically two 3 1/2 hour subjects' lectures but we didn't complain. They refused to give us Summer Vacation and holidays on National Holidays but we didn't complain.(Ok, we did but not ardently.) Now we find out that we have no Christmas break or New Years' break and I am pissed.

And that's not even all.

I wake up at 7:30 and start classes at 8. This is everyday, like all seven days, even on Sundays, mind you. The classes end at 3 and we have like a shit ton of homework. Like at least 25-30 pages of the world's hardest sums. We usually have our school lectures at the same time as the tuition or on the two days we didn't have tuition. At 6 in the evening, I sit for the extra Olympiad lectures which end at 9-9:30. On an average, I am attending at least 10 hours of classes a day without even counting the hours spent on homework. Along with this homework and classes, I still need to find time to help my mum around the house and find enough time to type up a new chapter. Not that I don't love this, but it's tiring and frankly I needed to get that off my chest.

But do you know the worst insult?

The kids who chose Commerce and Arts haven't even started 11th grade! Like they are sitting around and doing nothing! How is this justified?!

We are working our butt off, learning college courses years early but these people get off scot free! It's so annoying.

Anyway, that's the end of the rant. If you actually read all of that, I love you.

Thanks for reading!

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