Chapter 16: Good Things Don't Last

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The next few weeks passed without much incident. It was really hard to tiptoe around our brothers to do some of the work for the company, though we managed. Liam and I were going strong and though my brothers were not happy with the thought of me having a boyfriend, they didn't say anything about it. In fact, they grudgingly started to warm up to him. Life was as good as can be. We were happy.

But good things don't always last.

It started out as a normal day where my brothers and I split ways, each to go to their own classes. The Jacksons were skipping today because they had to go to some reunion thing with their parents. We were chatting and laughing as usual. Until a cry rang out and all of us sped to the Courtyard from where it had come.

The Courtyard is a huge lawn in the middle of the school and all the buildings surround it in a square. All the activities occurred there and it was also the best spot to hang out in.

Back to the situation at hand.

I elbowed my way through the crowd and ended up exactly behind the people causing the commotion. I sucked in a harsh breath as I saw that a guy in his early twenties with brown hair stood with his arm around a girl's neck, the other hand pressing a knife to her throat. My gut twisted. I knew exactly who the assailant was.

"Hello dear Philips' students! I have a few questions I would like answered. Would you be so kind as to oblige?" The man asked in a falsely bright voice, his face stretched into a sickly smile and the girl in his arms whimpered as his arm tightened.

"Now, I want to know about two very particular individuals that I heard have started in this school. If anyone tries to save them by not answering my questions, the result won't be pretty!" He ended in a sing song voice and my hand immediately jumped to my necklace and my eyes widened. The necklace! I found the secret notch immediately and pressed it, the signal being sent out immediately. I just hope that he wasn't smart enough to place signal jammers, which would ruin this, but this was my last hope.

If nothing went wrong then we would be out of this in 15 minutes. Till then, we had to stall.

"Now, I want those two pesky little Taylors to step out, slowly, and come with me. It's simple. Her life for yours." He smiled again and my searching gaze found Aiden's and I nodded to him. I crouched slightly and withdrew the dagger that was concealed in the small pocket in my bag that I had dropped. Aiden broke out of the circle and approached the mad man with his hands up in surrender. I crept up behind the Mr. Crazy while his attention was focused on Aiden and stood almost flush with him without touching him at all, but he still didn't notice my presence.

"Tch. Aiden, tell your sister to stop being such a tease and come out or the girl gets it." He threatened and Aiden tensed as the knife was pressed into her throat, causing a thin line of blood to crop up and I had enough. I quickly grab him from behind, pressing my knife into his throat and pressed it in, warning him silently to stop moving and Aiden rushed forward as he let the girl go and grabbed the knife in his hand blade first. He didn't pay heed to the blood dripping from his hand and the pain that followed, instead concentrating on wrenching the weapon out of the other's hand. Once he finally got it out of his grip, he swore as he threw the knife further away and cradled his hand to his chest as he glared mutinously at the idot that I was holding captive.

"How the hell did you get free, Sylvester?" I growled and he let out a manic laugh.

"Wouldn't you like to know, kitty!" He laughed out and I saw the rest of my sibling finally snapping out of their daze and rushing towards us. Andre and Hayden helped Aiden temporarily bandage his hand while Jayden picked up the bloodied knife and shoved it under the guys chin, making sure he didn't escape my hold. I heard the distinct sound of sirens and smiled. No jammers.

The police soon arrived and Sylvester is led away in handcuffs, screaming about how it isn't over and that he'll escape and find us soon enough. Once he was gone, I turned to Aiden and wordlessly gestured for him to come with me. The rest of the Garcia family followed us to the car park. I pulled out the First Aid kit from the glove compartment and started tending to Aiden's hand. He hissed when the antiseptic made contact with the deep cut but otherwise held still and let me patch him up. The others kept quiet and soon we were the only ones left in the school as the principal let all of us off early because of the 'trauma' we had been through. I was not looking forward to this conversation.

Aiden and I got into my car and the others got into their own cars as we drove back home. Aiden and I decided to tell them our aliases and how we were rich but the gory details would be left under wraps. We couldn't burden them with that. Especially after today. All we could do was pray that something like this didn't happen again.

We pulled into the garage and entered the house and I felt all the air leave my lungs when a pair of arms crushed me in their embrace.

"Can't-t bre-a-athe. L-let m-me go-o" I choked out and Sebastian let go off me just for me to be crushed once again, this time by Damian as he cooed over his 'baby'. I just huffed and managed to extricate myself from his arms. We migrated to the living room and the air once again became tense. I swallowed as I prepared myself to tell my newfound family about my double life.

I was so screwed.

Double Update my lovely readers!

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