Chapter 5: X

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Previously on Twin At First Sight

"What. The. Fudge."

Staring back at me was an identical face. The same cerulean blue eyes, the same raven black hair and similar features. We gaped at each other and I heard Aiden take in a sharp breath. I raised a hand and then poked him on the nose with a finger. His face scrunched up and I scrambled backwards in horror.

"It's real!" I screamed and backed away.

"Woman, you just ran right into me. Literally. Did you just poke me and say 'It's real.'?" He asked with an incredulous look on his face.

"It's not everyday you find your doppelganger, do you? Ooh, do you think we have mystical blood? If we do, I want my own Damon." I finished, nodding my head and Aiden just shook his head in disbelief while my... let's call him X. While X just gaped at me. He then turned to Aiden and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Hayden? You know her? Who is she?" He asked him and Aiden and I both looked behind us to see if there was someone behind us but seeing no one we turned back towards X with a confused look.

"Dude, my name is not Hayden. It's Aiden." Aiden replied with a bewildered look.

X's eyes became wide.

"Aiden?" He practically whispered before his gaze snapped to me.

"Alexis?" He asked in the same reverential tone. Aiden and I stepped back with the same grimace on our face. I knew we were thinking the same thing.

"Are you psychic?"

"Who are you?"

Okay, no. We were not thinking the same thing. Aiden facepalmed when he heard my question and I just shrugged innocently. Suddenly, my phone chimed. I looked at the message and cursed under my breath as the blood drained from my face.

"Aiden, we need to go. We'll see you later." I informed X before grabbing Aiden's hand and towing him away.

"What's wrong?" He asked, taking in my serious expression.

"Someone is trying to force their way into the apartment." I replied, my voice holding an undercurrent of fear. Aiden took charge and started pulling me along to our car. 

The drive was tense and short. Aiden was gripping the wheel so tight that his knuckles were white. I fidgeted with the only piece of jewellery I had, the necklace around my neck as I stared out the window.

As soon as we got there, Aiden opened the glove compartment and pulled out the small revolver he kept there. We always kept one on us for safety reasons though it was illegal since neither of us were 18 years of age.

We went up to the apartment and as the elevator door opened, Aid pushed me a little behind him. I rolled my eyes but complied. Our dour was wide open and the lock was not forced, it was picked. We exchanged a glance as we stepped through the door, Aiden's grip on the revolver tightening and my grip on the small dagger concealed in my bag becoming white. We followed the sounds of the TV to the living room and saw a figure on the sofa. The boy glanced up and his face lit up with a smile.

Aiden and I relaxed as he bounded forward and crushed us both in a hug.

"I missed you." He crooned in our ears as we tried to push him away.

"Why didn't you tell me you were moving?" He demanded as soon as he let us go.

"It was kind of last minute and everything was really rushed." I replied as I dropped the bag in my hand and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Did he do something? I swear to god if he touched even a hair on either of your heads I will bury him 6 feet under." He threatened as his green eyes turned darker.

"He didn't do anything." I reassured him as I entered the living room again and his eyes lightened to their normal jade colour.

Confused? Let me explain. Remember how I mentioned we had a gay best friend? Readers meet gay best friend. James is the one guy who knows everything about us. And I mean everything. Our aliases, our double life, everything. In fact, he was the one who suggested the aliases.

"Oh good. I also saw that painting. It's amazing." He complimented and I gave a slight nod acknowledging it.

"So, what happened?" He asked us and I gestured for Aiden to explain while I put on Legacies and settled into the couch. After a while the other two joined me and I did the thing I do every time we watch something together. I put my legs up in Aiden's lap and leaned against James. They both looked down at me in amusement and I just shrugged.

After Legacies we decided to have a Harry Potter marathon. By the time we reached the fifth movie, Aiden was asleep with his head in my lap and James was nodding off against my shoulder. I was really tired and seconds away from falling asleep when a sudden noise made it's way through the sleepy haze in my mind. I forced my eyes open only to meet with the identical coloured eyes as mine. I opened my mouth to scream but was cut off by a cloth being placed over my mouth. I tried thrashing but I could feel myself succumbing to the darkness. My movement must have alerted the other two, because they shot up but cloths were placed over their mouths instantly. This was the last thing I saw before the chloroform took effect and I slipped into unconsciousness.   

No author note here.

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