Chapter 15: Birthdays and Cupcakes

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The next day dawned bright and early and I did not want to move from my extremely comfortable spot between Liam and Aiden. What? Those boys are extremely comfortable.

I slid out of bed and checked my phone while getting my clothes out for the day. My eyes suddenly fell on the date and my eyes widened immediately. I hurried into the bathroom and did my business and took a shower before running out of the room and darted down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I double checked the ingredients and started on breakfast and the other thing. I had two hours at the very least before the first people started getting up and coming downstairs. I ran around the kitchen like a headless chicken, checking and double checking if everything was cooking properly. I mixed the pancake batter and started on them. I had just finished putting the last touches to the table when I heard a yawn and a 'Morning'.

I turned and saw Dad come in and give me a small smile before spotting the completely filled and looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged and gestured for him to sit down and started eating while I went back into the kitchen and checked the surprise and smiled happily. I got a cup of coffee and went back to the table and saw everyone now sitting around the table, even the two Andersons. They were conversing politely with the others. The triplets were talking animatedly about something while the oldest two were talking to dad about something about work. Andre and Levi were talking to each other about something and Liam was occasionally joining them. Sebastian was quiet as he scrolled through Instagram as far as I could make out and a frown crossed his face once or twice. I frowned. Did they forget?

I just shook it off and went back to the kitchen and got out the box from the refrigerator, peeking inside to make sure nothing had happened to it. I grabbed the box and walked up behind Sebastian and tapped his shoulder making him look up at me questioningly, urging me silently to say something. Instead I slid the box of cupcakes before him.

"Happy Birthday Sebby." I replied sweetly and his mouth dropped.

"How- You remembered?" He asked me and most of the others at the table paled except Dad and Damian who grinned at the two of us.

"Of course I remembered, hermano. Why wouldn't I?" I responded, wrapping my arms around him from behind him, giving him a hug. He grinned as he got out one of the cupcakes and bit into it. His eyes rolled back into his head and I laughed. Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie was my absolute favourite too and honestly, if you have it you will never want to eat any other flavour again. Andre reached out to take one of them and I smacked his hand away, making him cry out in outrage as he cradled his hand to his chest.

"Unless your name is Sebastian, these are not for you." I threatened him and he pouted. I went back to the kitchen and brought out the plain chocolate and vanilla cupcakes that I had made for the greedy pigs. I placed the platter in the middle of the table and they all lunged to take one.

"Why don't we get the same as Seb?" Hayden pouted and I raised an eyebrow at his childish behaviour.

"Because it's his birthday and those cupcakes are birthday special cupcakes. Especially since Sebastian turned 21 today." I replied in a sing-song voice and they all turned to me with questioning gazes while Aiden, Liam and Levi choked on their food.

"You turned 21? That's not fair, Lex!"

"Come on, I was supposed to be first!"

"I had been dreaming of that for years! You monster!"

I burst out laughing at the indignation on the three's faces and the others were extremely confused and curious by this point.

"Care to explain?" Damian asked with a smile and I nodded, my speech punctuated with laughs.

"Well, I made these cupcakes once before for a college event because one of my friends' older sisters asked me to. It was so popular that by the time that these boys got there, it was all gone. And I refused to make them again because the recipe was really complicated. Then they made me promise them that I would make them the cupcakes as soon as they turned 21 because, technically, it would be illegal to give them the cupcakes before that age. Because it contains a little bourbon." I finished and the others were pouting too. Dad was the first to get up and headed to work with Samuel and Damian. The Jacksons went home to change and talk to their mum before going to school. The others went upstairs to change into their uniforms and get ready for school. I finished faster than the others and I decided to talk to Sebastian.

I crossed the hall and knocked on the door diagonally to the right of mine. A 'Come in' was heard and I pushed open the door. He was in the midst of getting ready to get to campus for his classes. I remembered Andre telling me that he had been pursuing a degree from Caltech in Computer Science with a minor in Information and Data Sciences. He stayed at home and traveled there everyday because we lived within a half hour from Campus anyway.

"Lexi? Is something wrong?" He asked me, concern washing over his face.

I shook my head in response and sat down at the edge of the bed. He frowned as he sat down beside me.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out and his eyebrows shot up.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have pried into your past." He replied hollowly and I shook my head.

"And I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just that our pasts aren't pretty. And no one wants to relive it." I sighed and he just frowned.

"Actually, I came here to ask you something?" I asked, hastily changing the course of the conversation.


"Why did you seem surprised that I remembered your birthday?"

He froze for a moment before shaking his head with a forced smile. "I just didn't expect you to remember it. I mean, you have been here only for a few days."

"That's a lie and you know it." I deadpanned and he sighed.

"Fine. In a house where you have two older, over achieving brothers and five younger, extremely smart and talented siblings, you just get forgotten easily. It's been years since people have actually remembered my birthday or my games or my events. Eventually, you just get used to it." He replied and I felt tears prick my eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug and he hugged me back with equal fierceness.

"You will never be forgotten again, Seb. I'll make sure of it." I promised. And I don't break promises.  

Aww I also forgot to post after writing it up 😅. Sorry.

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