Chapter 28: Blacked Out

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Standing with his back to me in the middle of a villain's monologue was Miles.

How cliche.

He also had a knife pressed against Hayden's throat while the other boys, who had seemingly fought off their attackers, were at the end of the gym, glaring daggers at the leader of the Serpents.

How utterly tragic that he tried to threaten my family. Oh well, I have to kill him painfully now.

I tuned into what he was saying.

"-she was different. She was sharp-witted and sharp-tongued. You understand why I had wanted to make her my queen. She would have done marvelously if her so called sister hadn't brainwashed her and told her lies about me. Sure, I may have killed people without remorse. So what! But Lexi was meant to be mine, not yours, Liam. You are mistaken if you think that I will let her go once I find her. She was foolish to have run away. I will have to take some measures to beat that head strong spirit out of her. It is not becoming of a lady to fight against someone who is so clearly superior to her."

My vision tinted red as the words left his mouth. Me! Become his queen?!

I will do it when the Styx froze over.  

I crept forward, my eyes daring around to make sure that there was no one else in the shadows as I stealthily walked towards the idiot who was holding my brother at knife point.

"Now, you will tell me where Lexi is or else, say goodbye to this boy." He said and pressed the knife to Hayden's neck who seemed frozen in place, his face white. Aiden stayed silent, beads of sweat cropping up on his forehead.

"Come on, Aiden. Tell me where your sister is. I know that she wouldn't stay home while all of her family came to the battlefield." He taunted Aiden and Aiden's eyes flickered to me for a second before refocusing on Miles.

"I told you, Miles. We had a falling out. She won't come for us." Aiden replied and Hayden tensed further as Miles pushed the knife into his neck slightly, drawing a thin line of blood.

That was when I struck.

I leapt forward and brought the gun down on the back of his head. The shock and the pain made him release Hayden and stagger away, clutching his head. I cocked the gun and pointed it at him as he looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

"You tried to hurt my family, Miles. My family. What did you think I would be doing? Groveling at your feet? Begging you to take me back? The chances of that happening are in negatives." I growled but in my fury I didn't see him reach for a knife strapped at his waist until it was too late.

He flung the knife at me and I ducked. In this time he had managed to draw, cock and shoot a gun, aimed towards my brothers. I distinctly registered a scream of pain as I shot him in both the knees and then kicking his wrist, making him drop the gun with an agonised shout. I kicked the gun away from him as I reached into the purse slung across my torso, retrieving the syringe. I plunged it into his neck and his eyes rolled back as I pushed the plunger in. He fell back and I turned and ran towards my brothers. Jayden was clutching his shoulder and swearing under his breath as he swayed in place. Aiden and Liam were looking over him in concern as I jogged up to them.

"Get him out of here. Sent Dalia here with some men to escort Mr. HeadOfTheSerpents over there. I'll keep watch over him." I told them and Liam and Aiden started protesting.

"It's not safe here. You need to come with us."

"He won't wake up anytime soon. Come with us."

"Look, you need to get Jay to a medic. He's losing too much blood. I'll stay watch. I'll be absolutely fine." I assured them and they reluctantly nodded and the three of them left, Hayden supporting his shot triplet as the others kept watch as they shuffled towards the exit. I kept my eyes on the unconscious teenager, not letting my eyes roam as I worried about what was going on outside.

It wasn't long before the doors opened and I glanced towards them to see Dalia and Sebastian walk in, guns cocked and ready as they surveyed the room. Around 10 people accompanied them and I stepped away from the body. Two men came forward and bound and gagged Miles before they carried him out, 3 more flanking them as bodyguards. Dalia pulled me into a hug as soon as she reached me and I hugged her back just as fiercely. After she drew back, Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and I smiled into the warm embrace, glad that this was done. 

Dalia led the rest of the men out of the room and Sebastian and I followed them. We wandered through the corridors and ended up at the front entrance to the compound. Sebastian dropped the arm that was across my shoulders as he made his way towards Samuel and Damian while I turned towards Andre and Aiden who were standing on the other side and started towards them with a smile. 

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and pain blossomed in my stomach making me cry out. There was another bang and I sank to the ground, my palms pressed over my stomach as I let out a choked cry. People ran over to me, all of them screaming for me to hold on. The last thing I saw was a pair of emerald green eyes that were fast filling with tears. 

Then I blacked out.

So I kinda left you high and dry yesterday. In my defense, I had gone out with my best friends and came home really late.

Now, I can either post the last chapter in the book in a couple of hours after this one.


I can follow my updating schedule and do it on Thursday.

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