Chapter 2: It Hurts

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"Yeah, I had the same reaction." I replied. We were both quiet for a moment.

"Do you think he will let us go?" I asked him unsurely and Aiden focused on me.

"I think he will. Especially if we ask in front of mom." He replied and I nodded. I got under the covers with him and he looked at me, worried.

"Lexi, you'll get sick if you stay here, chérie." He tried to dissuade me but I wrapped my hands around him and he hugged me back, the heat radiating off of him making me sleepy. He kissed my forehead and I soon fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up to a loud sound from the kitchen. Aiden was still sleeping so I slipped out of his hold and crept down he stairs to find my mother and him in the kitchen.

"Send them away. I don't care about them. I never did. They were just a way to cause Alaric pain. His princess and his second youngest son snatched from under his nose. I'm going to throw them out anyway." Our 'mother' rolled her eyes and huffed. Our stepfather gave her a sick smile and he approached her and held her hands.

"Okay. We'll tell them to leave as soon as dinner is done. I'll just punish them and let them leave. Then we will finally be alone." He replied and then kissed her. I turned around and raced up the stairs.

I first went into my room and gathered everything that would be useful for us before packing it up in a big bag. I put all the money we had, which was a lot, in the front pocket of the bag. I took the several credit and debit cards and shoved them all into the bag before going to the adjacent room and started packing up Aiden's stuff. He got up groggily and his eyes widened when he took me in. He jumped into action and helped me pack up everything.

He took the bigger rucksack and tossed the duffel bag full of clothes out of the window before starting to climb out himself. I sat on the windowsill as soon as Aiden had disappeared and swung onto the tree right in front of his room. I climbed down quickly, trying not to make too much noise as we crept across the lawn and then we hightailed it out of there. Our shoes slapped against the pavement as we escaped the house that stole our innocence.

We ran till we couldn't run anymore and collapsed on the sidewalk. Aiden coughed and I looked at him, concerned. He waved me off and after taking a few deep breaths we got up and set off again. We checked into a dingy motel for a couple of days.

When we entered the room, he collapsed on the bed and I immediately felt bad but if I hadn't run with him, He would have definitely hurt him, and his words might hit a chord especially now.

"Why did we leave in such a hurry, chérie?" He asked when I sat down at the foot of the bed.

"I-I overheard them talking. She was telling him about how she had taken us from our father to hurt him and how she was going to throw us out anyway. He told her that he wants to punish us one last time before that and I ran. I ran and gathered everything up and well, you know the rest."

"It's okay, chérie. We'll transfer to Philips Academy and we'll buy an apartment there if we don't already have one. We'll be safe, chérie. We'll be happy without her." Aiden said as he hugged me close to him.

"I know we will be but it hurts, Aid. Why does she hate us so much?" I whispered and he hugged me tighter.

"I don't know." He replied with a sigh. We soon fell asleep and on waking up the next morning, we were much happier as we headed to school. Aiden had checked for apartments and found that we did have an apartment near the Academy.

A lot of people may be wondering how we have so much money. The thing is that Aiden is an amazing artist. His paintings sell for millions. The money has been sitting in a bank account. Also we own a software company. Well, I own a software company. I had developed an app that primarily caters to helping people. How? It monitors your mental health by the means of games and quizzes and aims to spread happiness and reduce the amount of people succumbing to the pain. It sold so well that within a year I had set up a company and we were at the top of the chain. We are literally the youngest millionaires in the world.

But we had to keep this a secret from our 'mother' and for this we had to use aliases. To the business world I was Marie Rodriguez and Aiden was the artist Leon Rodriguez. But to the rest of the people I was Alexis and he was Aiden. The only reason we were going to high school was to keep up this charade. Both of us had already graduated and gotten our degrees.

When we got to school, we made a straight beeline towards the office and entered. We knocked on the principal's door and held a pleasant 'come in'.

"Ah, have you decided then, Alexis?" She asked and looked at us expectantly. I took a deep breath as Aiden answered.

"Yes. We would love to accept the scholarship to Philips Academy." He replied and the principal smiled and briefed us on the transfer protocol for it. Soon, the formalities were done and we walked out of the office with a smile on our faces as we joked and laughed. People looked at us weirdly but we did not care because we were finally free. We could finally do everything we have have ever wanted to do.

Well, they accepted the scholarship! Yay!

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