Christmas in the E.R.

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(Scott's POV)
"What do we got?" I yell as I run to the pit and go to one of the ambulances. Paramedics jump out as they roll a guy out on a stretcher who was currently seizing as the Paramedics rushed him into the E.R.

One of the paramedics spoke up "Mitchell Grassi, 24 multiple seizures, this is his 5th one in ten minutes." I run after the paramedics as they take him to a room and immediately pick him up and move him from the stretcher to the bed.

They turn him on his side and start working and wait it out. After a while the seizure stops and he closes his eyes.

I go over to him and put in my stethoscope, I sigh in relief as I hear a heartbeat. I nod to the nurses and Paramedics and they disperse as I start Marking stuff down in a chart.

I sign it and hand it to one of the nurses outside his room "have you contacted his parents yet?" The nurse shakes her head "not yet Doctor."

"Well call them now."

"Yes Doctor Hoying."

She runs to the desk to get on the call and I look back at the boy who is resting peacefully in the room. He looks young, about in his early 20's. It's so sad seeing him like that...especially since it's Christmas Eve.

I check my watch and go to see another patient.

A few minutes after the nurse walks up to me as I am looking through a different patients files.

"The parents are in the Dominican Republic right now Doctor."

I look to her with confusion written all over my features "then who called 911?" The nurse pointed over to a young girl who was now in Mitch's room with a girl holding Mitch's hand. She was crying and bobbing her knee up and down.

I walk over to the room and when she sees me she stands.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Hoying, I'm working on Mitch's case."

She wipes her tears "Kirstie Maldonado." I smile comfortingly and gesture for her to sit down. She sits and I pull up a chair next to her "so, are you his sister, girlfriend?" Kirstie shakes her head "I'm his friend....his best friend. We always spend the holidays together, since we were little kids...what's wrong with him Doc. Because we've been to every Doctor in Texas and they can't find out what's wrong with him."

I sigh as I see her look at Mitch who is lying there "Look, why don't you go and get some rest. I'll call you if anything happens, ok?" Kirstie shakes her head "I can't...I-"

Another voice cuts her off "just go Kit. I'll be fine." We look to the voice and she gets up "Mitchie, oh my God." I get up as well and start checking his breathing and what not.

Everything seems fine and I smile as I leave the two best friends to talk. A few minutes later I see Kirstie leave and she smiles and waves at me. I guess he got her to go home and rest.

I go back to the room to see Mitch still in the hospital bed looking out the window "knock knock" I say while I knock on the door. He looks at me and gives me a tiny smile "hey doc." I chuckle and start doing a check up on him.

He bites his lip "you're a hot doctor." I laugh "oh, really?" Mitch nods and I finish the check up, putting my work face back on. I take his chart and read over it again "so, have you had seizures like this before?"

Mitch shook his head

"Do you suffer from Epilepsy at all or diabetes, low blood sugar.."

Another shake of the head I sigh and go to write it down until he says "I fell, I started feeling very dizzy and I fell and banged my head."

I widened my eyes "you could be bleeding inside your brain. We'll get a nurse to take you to CT."

Before I leave I see his eyes roll to the back of the head and he starts convulsing.


I press the red emergency button and a ton of doctors and nurses come in to try and help as well.

Luckily we got him stable and took his straight to CT. I was right, there was bleeding in the brain.

I sigh and tell him we need to do surgery and he agrees, signing the consent form.

Thankfully the surgery was successful and we get him back to his room safe and sound.

He didn't wake up till the next morning "hi." He croaked as he saw me sitting by his bed side "hey. Merry Christmas."

Mitch rubbed his eyes "it's Christmas?" I nodded "yeah, here." I hand him a bag that obviously had a present inside "open it." He gives me a small smile and opens it "Oh my Goodness."

He was a small pink teddy bear that I got from the gift shop.

"Thank you."

I smile "no problem." We stared at each other in silence. Just stared, like one of us wanted to make the first move but wouldn't dare. I decided to finally do it so I started to lean in.

He followed my movements and before our lips could touch, there was a knock on the door. We jumped apart to find Kirstie come in "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something." I shake it off "nah, to check on patients anyway. See you later Mitch."

Kirstie walked more into the room as I walked out.

A few hours later, I saw Mitch was alone again so he went into his room "where's Kirstie?"

Mitch looked startled but smiled when he saw me "she went to go get coffee." I nodded "nice." I stand by his bed side and he bites his lip "about earlier-" I cut him off as I slam my lips into his.

When we pull away I say "Merry Christmas Mitchie." He smiles "Merry Christmas Scottland."

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