A Christmas to remember

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Mitch was currently talking to his best friend at the coffee shop while laughing. Kirstie, his bestie since highschool, said "sooooo I decided that this Christmas I am just going to stay home." Mitch gasped "why? Don't you always go with your family to Mexico yo visit family?"

Kirstie nodded sadly as she played with her hot chocolate "yeah, but i told them that I just wanted to be by myself, you know, try and work on myself this Christmas...but really, we live in L.A. what's the point in going from one warm place to an even hotter place for Christmas."

Mitch laughed as he took a sip of his hot coco. He then got a brilliant idea "why don't you just come to Arlington Texas with me." Kirstie looked weary "are you sure? I mean, it's kinda last minute."

Mitch waved it off "nonsense. My parents love you, you know that. Let me just give my dad a call." He took out his phone and when Mike, Mitch's dad, picked up he said "Hey dad, can Kirstie come over for Christmas?" Mitch laughed at something his dad said and said bye as they hung up.

"He said of course."

Kirstie giggled "I love your dad and your mom." Mitch nodded "me too."

The next day they were at Mitch's parents house in Arlington Texas and went it to see his parents decorating. Mitch widened his eyes at the jingle bells and the mini Santa's all over the place.

Kirstie gasped "this looks beautiful." Nel, Mitch's mom, squealed "doesn't it?" She laughed as she got down from where she was standing on a chair and hugged both of them as Mike did the same.

Mitch and Kirstie went upstairs to unpack and Nel walked up "Mike and I have to run to the store, Kirstie, will you come with? Mike is going to get some tool supplies and I need help picking up ornaments."

Kirstie smiled "of course Nel." Nel turned to Mitch and said "you wait here, because this guy is bringing over the Christmas tree." Kirstie and Nel then walked out of the room.

About an hour later Mitch was hanging up some snowflakes, per mom's request, when the door bell rang.

Mitch looked to see who it was and his heart stopped, it was Scott Hoying, the Scott Hoying, he hadn't seen him since highschool.

Mitch ran down the stairs, tripping on the last step and sliding. He composed himself before opening the door.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm here for Nel Grassi? She ordered a Christmas tree."

Mitch nodded and tried to sound normal "yes, I'm her son." Scott nodded and Mitch bit his lip "um, would you like help, bringing in the tree?" Scott nodded "that would be helpful thank you."

When the got the tree through the front door and standing up right Scott spoke "you seem familiar, you were a year below me..right?" Mitch smiled "yeah, I um...I'm Mitch...and you're-" he trailed off, obviously playing dumb.

"Scott." Scott held out his hand which Mitch shook. "Well I gotta go, good seeing you again." Mitch nodded "you too." Scott then left.

When Kirstie, Nel and Mike got home, Mitch dragged Kirstie upstairs "I have so much to tell you..."

"WHAT?!" Kirstie exclaimed as Mitch finishes telling her everything "I KNOW!" Kirstie shreiks "girl, you have to go after him." Mitch rose an eyebrow "really? He was literally the hottest and most popular guy at school. I don't even know if he's gay." Kirstie shrugged "well you never know until you know."

Mitch furrowed his eyebrows "what does that even mean?" Kirstie shrugged "I don't know." Mitch groans as he plops down on the bed "I don't even know where I can find him."

Kirstie shrugs "welp, there goes that. Hey, wanna go to that Christmas party down town? It's today." Mitch smirks "sure."

When they get to the Christmas party Kirstie saw some old friends and decided to leave Mitch to talk to them while Mitch stayed in the corner.

"Hey stranger."

Mitch jumped at the voice and softened when he saw Scott "Oh, hey." Mitch sighed as he looked around "wow, being here brings back a lot of memories."

Scott sighs "tell me about it. I remember when I would see you walk through those doors and stay in the corner as usual...I see nothing's changed."

Mitch scoffed "I can't believe you remember that. Mr. Popular actually paid attention to the nerd. What else do you remember?"

Scott smirked "I remember how you would sing like nobody was watching in chorus." Mitch giggled a little which made Scott smiled "you inspired me Mitch."

Mitch pointed to himself "me?" Scott nodded "yes you. You were so out and proud. You are why I don't care what people say. I'm gay and I love it."

Mitch widened his eyes "you're gay?" Scott nodded "yup, you were the first person I actually ever had a crush on." Mitch blushed a little "seriously?" Scott lowered his voice to a whisper "look up." Mitch looked up to find Mistletoe.

Mitch gasped and Scott smiled as he started leaning in and Mitch didn't stop him. They kissed and it was so sweet and lovely. That Christmas was definitely one to remember..

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