He's My Best friend

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A.N. I have literally nothing against Beau and Mark. This is just a story. Ok... that's it. Byyeeee.

Mitch was on the phone with his boyfriend, Beau, who was currently breaking up with him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Mitch cried as Beau sighed on the other end "Because you're always on tour and you always leave me behind and it's fucking hard." Mitch was already done with this "I always ask you to come on tour with us."

Beau scoffed "Right, like I'm gonna come on tour with you just to see you flirt with Scott all day." Mitch let out a half hearted laugh "that's what this is about? How many times have I told you. He's my best friend. He has a boyfriend. Nothing else is going on."

Beau was getting sick of this "whatever, it's over Mitch. I'm done." He then hung up and Mitch threw his phone on the bed.

He couldn't believe it was over. He thought they were fine and now he can't help but wonder if they were ever fine.

He picked his phone back up and called Scott. Scott picked up after a few rings "Hey Mitch. What's up?" Mitch wiped his tears and tried to make his voice sound as normal as possible "could you come over right now? I could really use my best friend." He heard Scott get worried on the other line "Are you ok? What happened? Have you been crying?"

Mitch let out a choked sob as his friend showed true concern "Beau broke up with me." He broke down and he heard Scott sigh "I'll be there in five." He hung up and Mitch decided to get out his chardonnay and sit down on the sofa to wait for Scott.
Scott hurriedly put on his shoes as Mark appeared in the door way "where are you headed at 10 at night?" Scott sighed "Mitch needs me." Mark rolled his eyes "of fucking course." Scott stopped in his tracks "what is that supposed to mean?"

Mark crossed his arms "it means that whenever Mitch calls your off running to his rescue. You can't always be there for him Scott. He needs to learn to grow up and not always depend on you." Scott was taken aback "He's my best friend...and I thought you liked Mitch?" Mark nodded "I did...before I saw how completely obssesed you are with him?"

Scott couldn't deal with this right now "I'm sorry but-" he was cut off by Mark "you walk out that door and we're over." Scott stopped in his tracks. Would he really give up a three year relationship for his best friend?

He turned back around "I'm sorry. Have a nice life." He then turned back around, grabbed his car keys and drove to Mitch's house.
When Scott got to Mitch's house he opened the door with the spare key Mitch gave him.

When he got inside he saw a tipsy Mitch drinking from the wine bottle. Scott sighed as he sat down next to him, taking the wine bottle from him "you have had enough" Mitch whined "NOOOO give it to me" Scott sighed as he took a swig from the bottle as well.

Mitch laughed drunkenly "looks like you've had a rough night." He said booping Scott's nose. Scott sighed "Mark and I broke up right before I came here." Mitch pouted "I'm sorry " Scott shook his head "don't be." Mitch gave a little smile as he took the wine bottle from Scott and their fingers brushed together.

Scott looked at Mitch as Mitch slowly brought the wine bottle to his lips. Scott started breathing heavily and out of no where connected his lips to Mitch's after he had put the bottle down.

Mitch gasped into the kiss and kissed back. He moaned into the kiss and Scott pulled back "I don't wanna be just best friends. Maybe Beau and Mark are right, we flirt but it's far than innocent and I jump to your rescue whenever you call because I love being there for you....and I love you." Mitch bit his lip "I love you too." They kissed again and brought it to the bedroom.

Let's just say they weren't just best friends anymore...

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