The Christmas Project

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Hiiiii!!!! So I love Christmas and I was thinking I'm going to start making only Christmas one shots until the 25th. I may double update for the first week or so until Christmas bc I'm a little late. Buuuuuttttt, ENJOY!

Trigger warnings: use of gay slurs
(Mitch's POV)

I love Christmas, the smell of happiness in the air as you walk down the snow covered streets. The way every shop in town plays Christmas music. The hot coco has never tasted better.

It was my favorite Holiday and I couldn't wait for Christmas break. I went to school and met up with my friend Kirstie "heyyyy."
Kirstie smiled "hey, what's up?" I shrugged "I'm so exhausted. I was up all night trying to find a gift for my mom. She is one of the hardest people to shop for."

Kirstie giggled as she closed her locker "I can't believe today's Monday?" I groaned "ugh, I want Christmas to be here already."

We kept laughing when suddenly I was pushed into the lockers by the biggest homophobic bully in school "hey faggot, what do you want for Christmas? Let me guess, a boyfriend?"

"Leave him alone, Scott" Kirstie says as she tries to defend me. He scoffs and walks away with his friends. Kirstie scoffs as we start walking again "he's such an ass. I can't believe we use to be friends with him."

I nod and we go out separate ways.

It was now 6th period English and I was sitting by myself, this was the only class with out Kirstie and the only one with Scott. I sigh as the teacher starts speaking.

"Ok class, as you know, Christmas is in two weeks. Who doesn't celebrate Christmas?"

She waited, none of the kids raised their hands and she smiled "ok then, I have decided that since it's our last week before Christmas break, why don't we have some fun. So I have decided that you and a partner that I assign you with, will have to come up with a project about the magics of Christmas and what Christmas means to you. So here are the partners."

She started calling out names and I tuned her out as I doodled some snowflakes on my note book...and that's when I heard it.

"Mitchell Grassi and Scott Hoying."

My head shot up as I saw Scott's head too, "What!?" We both practically shouted. The bell rang and Scott scoffed as he went up to the teacher "I can't work with...that." I cross my arms sassily "that? What am I? A creature from an unknown world?"

Scott put on a smug smirk and turned towards me "to me you are, so yes." I was about to retaliate but was cut off by the teacher "enough boys. Now I have partnered you together to settle this died between yourselves. I've taught both of your older siblings and have know you both since you were very tiny. You two used to be best friends, what changed?"

Scott pointed to me "he's a fag." I look down ashamed. I remember when everything was normal. I mean, I'm a Senior in highschool and still remember that night like it was yesterday.

(Flash back) (3rd person POV)
"Scott, stop." A 14yr old Mitch said as Scott kept trying to tickle him as Mitch had his head laid on Scott's shoulder. They were watching the Polar express and drinking hot coco.

Mitch had grown a tiny crush on Scott and he decided that it was finally time to tell Scott that he was gay.

He paused the movie and got off of Scott's shoulder, Scott whined and Mitch giggled "Scott, I have something to tell you." Scott nodded "what is it Mitchie?"

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