Halloween Night

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Mitch was sitting on the sofa eating Reese's and watching Halloween town when their was a knock at his door.

He paused the movie as he got up to open the door. Once he opened the door he saw Kirstie and Esther "Trick or Treat" They said in unison as Mitch just raised an eye brow.

Kirstie was wearing a very short dorothy costume while Esther was wearing a long witch costume.

Mitch rolled his eyes and went to close the door in their faces but Esther stopped it from closing all the way with her broom "uh-uh, girl, get out of your funk and get a costume."

Mitch sighed and let Kirstie and Esther inside. Kirstie looked at the TV then back at Mitch "Halloween town?? Really??" Mitch sighed as he plopped back on the sofa. He was about to take another Reese's but Esther took it out of his hands before it reached his mouth "no."

Mitch sighed and hugged the couch pillow close to his chest "what do y'all want?" Kirstie sat next to him "we are going to the biggest Halloween party of the year." Mitch shook his head "no, I'm gonna just sit on this couch all night and watch scary movies." Esther put a hand on her hip "Halloween town isn't scary."

Mitch glared at her as Kirstie spoke "look, I know you an and Travis went through a terrible break up. But you gotta get out of this funk." Mitch sighed "Halloween was our Holiday. We would make spooky treats and dress up and scare kids and watch real scary movies..." He trailed off and Kirstie sighed "I bet you 20 bucks that he is not thinking about you at all right now, so why are you here moping around about him then?"

Mitch shrugged and Esther went to Mitch room and grabbed black jeans and a black, long sleeve, skin tight shirt. She then returned back to Mitch and handed them to him.

Mitch rolled his eyes as he grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Kirstie then did his make up with black eye shadow circling both of his eyes and nude lips gloss.

She then held up monster heels and he looked at them and said "Kirst, I'm a guy." She smiled "yeah, and your also gay...so..." She trailed off and Mitch sighed as he took them from her hand and put them on.

Kirstie squealed "Let's party Bitches!" Esther laughed and Mitch chance a small giggled. They then left to go to the party.
When Kirstie, Esther and Mitch arrived at the party it was not at all how Mitch expected it to be.

Instead of a house, the party was in the forest, in the middle of no where. Mitch sighed as he looked at the fog machines and the fire in the middle of the forest.

People were bobbing for apples and laughing. Mostly all the girls were literally wearing shorts skirts or lingerie and calling it a costume as All the guy were grinding on them.

Mitch then spotted the punch bowl one one of the log tables and then yelled over the loud music to Kirstie and Esther "I'm gonna get some punch!" Kirstie nodded as she was being pulled away by one guy and Esther smiled as she was pulled away by another onto the dance floor.

Mitch started walking to the punch bowl and picked up a cup as he started scooping some punch into his bowl.

When he took a drank he heard a husky voice behind him "hey."

Mitch whipped around "H-hi." The other guy laughed "you look lonely...thought someone as good looking as you shouldn't be left alone."

Mitch smirked "well, I'm not alone." The guy looked both wayd to see no one with Mitch and Mitch looked down "um..I can with my friends but their out on the dance floor...partying."

The guy nodded "Oh, I see." The guy then smirked and put his hand out for Mitch to shake I'm "I'm Scott By the way." Mitch smiled "Mitch." Scott then said "c'mon, I wanna show you something." Mitch bit his lip and nodded "ok."

They walked a mile or two until they got to a huge cemetery. Mitch gawked at it "woah..." Scott nodded "yeah, I come here when I wanna clear my head. Figured you needed some...space."

Mitch bit his lip and nodded "yeah...I did." Scott smiled "so what happened?" Mitch sighed "my um...my ex boyfriend broke up with me recently. Halloween was always our happiest holiday."

Scott looked down "I'm sorry." "Me too." Another voice said in the shadows. Scott and Mitch looked to see another guy.

"Alex..what are you doing here. I told you I got this." Alex shrugged "you weren't doing it fast enough." Mitch looked at him with wide eyes "do what?" Alex smirk x at the boy "this." He then smack Mitch with a wooden board and knocked him out.
Mitch woke up in an abandoned church. He was tied up and he saw as Scott and Alex were in a heated discussion and their was a lot of people there.

Scott put his hand on his hips and shook his head at something Alex just said and that's when he noticed Mitch was up.

He walked over to him "hey, are you ok? Can you hear me?" Mitch slowly nodded as Scott turned back to Alex "Can we let him go now?" Alex slowly shook his head "not until we get what we need." Another deep voice spoke "Jeez Alex, he's scared out of his mind."

Alex scoffed "aren't all our victims, Avi?" This other guy then spoke "all of our victims have been over the age of 30." Alex groaned "Shut up Kevin."

Alex picked up a dagger and started heading towards Mitch. Scott stopped him "Alex, Enough." Alex rolled his eyes "get out of my way Hoying...or you're next." Scott sighed and stepped out of the way.

Alex stepped up to Mitch and started lightly  gliding the dagger on his flesh. Mitch squeezed his eyes shut as Alex took the dagger and swiped it across Mitch's torso which made him start bleeding.

Mitch screamed and Alex took a chance to get all the blood and once he took the chalice away then Kevin ran up to Mitch and started cleaning up the cut.

Alex then took a sip and his eyes immediately turned blood red and his fangs came out. "drink up boys." He puts the chalace on the table and Avi takes a drink and then Kevin.

Scott's the last one to go. He looks at Mitch who is looking terrible and looks back at the blood. He takes the chalace and takes a sip. His eyes turning and fangs coming out as well.

After that the sun was rising and Mitch Alex, Avi, Kevin and the other vampires fell asleep.

Scott put on a hood and hoped that he won't die. He then went to where Mitch was and gently picked him up as he groaned. Scott shushed him and then like the speed of light ran to wear Mitch lived.

He put Mitch in his bed and gently woke him "hey." Mitch shifted a little before opening his eyes and seeing Scott. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth to scream but Scott covered it.

"Hey, relax. you're ok, I promise. Please don't scream." Mitch slowly nodded as Scott lowered his hand "who...what are you?" Scott sighed "don't worry about that ok?"

Scott looked deep into his eyes and said "nothing happened last night. You just became very tired and decided to come home last night." Scott didn't know if his hypnotizing worked so when he broke the spell to see if it worked Mitch kissed him and Scott was taken back.

Scott kissed back and when they pulled away Mitch grinned "thank you...vampire." Scott's eyes widened and Mitch giggled "calm down. I won't tell anyone." Scott smiled as the small brunette curled into Scott's side more and fell asleep.

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