Dear Scotty

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Scott came back from the funeral as he got a bottle of wine from the cabinet. Pentatonix was over, he lost his person, his best friend to the dark hole which was suicide...he couldn't think straight so he thought, why not drown his sorrows in alcohol.

He decided to take the alcohol to his room and just relax...he didn't know what he was relaxing for because he had no place to go...

He laid in bed for a few minutes and decided to go into Mitch's room to look around.

He saw the dark room and turned on the light. He then saw his old clothes and Scott kinda smiled, remembering how much of a fashionista he was.

He kept walking until he saw a note on Mitch's bed. He wondered how long it had been there since Scott hadn't dared set foot in this room since the day he found Mitch.

He walked up to it to see his name on it. He slowly opened it to see Mitch's perfect script hand writing. He sat down on the edge of the bed and started reading it.

Dear Scotty,

Wow, I just started writing this letter and yet tears are already springing to my eyes. I love you...Scott. I do...and I hate to do this to you but I just can't anymore. I wish I was perfect, but I'm not. I wish I was good enough for you but I'm not. I already miss you and that should make me want to stay but I just can't. I can't watch you be happy with Mark while I'm here, pining after you. I love you...more then a friend and it hurts to much. I love you Scott...always have, always will. I'm sorry...



By the time Scott had finished reading the letter he was a sobbing mess. How could he have been so stupid...of only he has known...and the worst part of it all was that he never got to tell Mitch he lived him back...

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