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Scott came home one day after a long day at work. "Sara!?" He called out to his 16 year old daughter.

He walked to her room to find her on the bed looking through an album. When Sara saw Scott her eyes widened "I'm sorry, I know you said that this album was off limits but I just I needed to know and-" "I'm not mad." Scott cut her off.

He smiled at one of the pictures that she was looking at in the album "I love that picture." The picture was of Scott and Mitch at their wedding and they looked happy.

Sara giggled "me too." She stopped smoking and looked up and Scott "Dad? Can you tell me about papa? What was he like?" Scott gave a weak smile "well, he was amazing. He had a heart of gold and a smile that brightened up the room even on the cloudiest days. He had a voice like no other and he was very talented at what he did, and I know he loved you." Sara wiped away a tear that slipped out of her eye "really?"

Scott nodded "yeah. He would be so proud of you." Sara smiled "I don't remember him...I remember only little moments before...anyways, um...all I have are these pictures, and old Pentatonix videos. I can't remember his voice, or his touch. I miss him yet it feels like I never knew him."

Scott's heart broke as he saw his daughter struggling to hold in her tears. He pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head. "It's ok to miss him Sara."

She wipes her eyes as she remembered that one life altering day.

"Papa, stop." She giggled as Mitch tickled her non-stop. She was about 5 years old and Mitch laughed as he kissed her cheek.

Scott walked in and smiled "how are my two favorite people doing this fine morning?" Mitch got up off the floor where Sara went back to playing with her Barbies and went up to Scott.

Scott kissed him and Mitch kissed back and when they pulled away Scott groaned "ugh, I have to go to the grocery store." Mitch rolled his eyes "I'll go." Scott smiled "you sure, baby?" Mitch nodded "positive." He then grabbed the car keys and went to the car.

A few hours later and Scott was getting worried because Mitch wasn't back yet. There was a knock on the door and Scott opened it to see to cops with sad looks on their faces. "No." Scott said quietly in disbelief as he dropped to the floor and started bawling.

Sara might've only been five, but she knew what that meant and she stayed behind the wall scared to come out.

A few days later it was the funeral and when it was time to bury Mitch into the ground Sara ran up to the casket and threw herself on it "NO!!! PAPA!" she was crying and that was when she knew she was never gonna see her papa alive again.

Sara sighed as she looked back up at Scott "can we go to the cemetery today?" Scott nodded "sure, whatever you want kiddo." They then got their coats and left to visit Mitch.

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