Thank You

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I just wanna start this story off by saying I have NOTHING against Mark, I think he's the sweetest person ever and is so good for Scott...but I also wish that Scott and Mitch were a thing so anyways yeah, also this fanfic is going to take place in 2020 and going to take place after the newest Christmas album (Pentatonix: we need a little Christmas) came out... So without further ado, let's get on with the story. ENJOY!!!
(Scott's POV)
I was currently waiting for Mark to get back from shopping while playing music and scrolling through twitter.

I was looking at all the fans on Twitter freaking out about Pentatonix new Christmas album we need a little Christmas. I get a notification saying @ScottHoying isn't this your boyfriend??

I see all the comments to that tweet saying "awe" or "that prick" and other stuff. I am confused so I click on the picture and my heart immediately stops. It was a picture of Mark kissing someone else on the lips.

I don't know what to do and go to my messages and text Mitch.

Scotty- hey u busy?

I waited a while, my anxiety going up, my phone finally binged with a text from him.

Mitchie- kinda, what's up?

I debated on wether I should keep bothering him or not and right at that moment Mark walked in with a smile on his hands and two shopping bags in his hands.

I get up off the couch and go over to him with a neutral look on my face. Mark leans in for a kiss and I lean back "what's wrong?" I sigh as I pull up the picture and show him.

His smile drops and starts stuttering until he finds his words "I can explain." I put the phone down and shrug "fine. Explain." Mark's eyes start watering "I...I..." I scoff "you can't explain, can you?" He looks down "it was a mistake... I'll end it...I..I just-" I cut him off "End it? So this wasn't just a one time thing?"

Mark must've realized what he said because his eyes went wide and I shook my head "3 years, 3 fucking years down the drain.." Mark shook his head repeatedly " love you...I didn't mean to hurt you." My eyes start watering "but you did and you fucking ruined everything." He sniffled "no." I scoff and grab my phone along with a jacket and my keys as he tries to stop me from leaving "No, can get past this...I love you."

I shake my head "no, I need to clear my head. Bye"  I then leave with Mark yelling my name and crying. I get to the corner of the street and start breaking down as everything hits me.

I take out my phone and dial Mitch's number. It rings a few times as I hear Mitch pick up like he was just laughing at something someone as he said "hello?" I break down "Mitch..." Mitch voice immediately sounds concerned "Scotty? What's wrong?"

I sniffled as I tried to compose myself "can I come over?" It sounded like there was some hesitation on Mitch's part but then he nodded "yeah, yeah sure, do I need to come get you?" I shook my head but the realized he couldn't see me " can drive." I hung up and wiped my eyes as I got in my car and drove off.

When I got to Mitch's doorstep I knock as I hear some shuffling and then he opened the door "hey." I wiped a tear that snuck out of my eye as I then see someone else come out from behind Mitch "beau..." I say as he meekly smiles "hey Scott. You ok?"

I didn't do anything and just looked down as Beau grabbed his stuff "well, I gotta run. Nice seeing you again Mitch...bye Scott." He then walked past me out the door as I walked inside.

"I thought you and him were on a break." Mitch rolled his eyes "yeah, a break Scott. Not a break up. We're still civil with each other. Anyway, what's up?"

I don't know what comes over me but I just start breaking down again as I plop down on his couch. Mitch comes over to me and sits down, rubbing my back comfortingly "hey, what's going on?" I am sobbing at this point as I choked out "he-he cheated on m-me."

Mitch gasped as he took me in a hug "shhhh, I'm here. I'm here." He kept repeating as he let me cry my heart out into his chest as he rocked me back and forth.

About an hour later I was sitting on Mitch's couch in a daze as he came back with tea "here, drink this. It'll calm you down." I nod as I take the tea from him and start sipping on it slowly.

Mitch sat back down "do you wanna talk about it?" I sniffle "I saw...on twitter..him kissing some other guy, only to find out that it was happening for a while." Mitch looked sad for me "what about that song on the Christmas album..didn't you guys wright that together?" I nodded remembering the song 'thank you' that we wrote together.

I then remember why I wrote it and who it was actually for... I look at him and say "maybe I was thinking of someone else when I wrote it." Mitch furrowed his eyebrows "who?" I don't know what came over me but when I lifted my head to look at him I smashed our lips together.

Mitch pulled back "what are you doing? Scott, you just found out that you're boyfriend was cheating on you." I sigh "Mitch, when I wrote that song..I was thinking of you because I love have been there for me through thick and thin...I don't know what I would do with out you."

Mitch looked hesitant "I...I... Scott..." I cut him off by kissing him again and instead of pushing me back he kissed me as well and when we pulled away I kept my eyes closed as I whispered "thank you."

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